Arbeitsblatt: Sketch


Ein kurzer Sketch zum Thema London, Tube, den Unterschied zwischen "excuse me" und "sorry".
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Jonathan Böhlen
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Tube Sketch Setting: London Tube. Character Gentleman Text and action Setting Enters the tube, sits down and begins to read. Enter together as husband Sir and Madame and wife. Want to sit down, but cannot because of the newspaper. Stand Lady Sir Excuse me, Sir, could next to the seats Enters. please Tries to get past Sir, But of course, Madame! standing in the tube. Makes way, but accidentally steps on Madames foot. Madame Sir Ouch! Oh, am so sorry! Are you To Madame Madame all right? Yes, am fine. Slightly annoyed Lady Thank you. Trying to make her way to To Madame: Excuse me, the free seat. could please Of course! Thank you so much, The Lady sits down next Madame! to the Gentleman sitting in Madame Lady the seat. She crumbles his Gentleman newspaper. Budges little, but says Lady nothing. The Lady crosses her legs. Takes sip of tea (thermos), her pinky sticking out. She slurps. Lady Gentleman Lady Oh my goodness, this tea To the Gentleman is really hot! Mhmmm There are bumps in the road. Lady almost spills her tea Gentleman Please be careful, this is Lady Sir new suit! Of course, of course Excuse me, could we Not paying attention To Lady bother you for cup of Lady Madame tea? We are just so thirsty! Sure Pores cup Thank you so much! Takes sip. Oh, this really IS hot! Madame and Lady There is another bump in the road. The two women both spill their tea over the newspaper and over the Madame and Lady Oh, am so sorry! Sorry! new suit. They each take out hanky and start cleaning Gentleman That is all right. OkStop the gentleman. Slightly annoyed. it please, have to get off anyway. Gentleman Stands up, folds the paper Madame and exits the tube. Sits down next to the Lady Finally, place to sit down! Sketch by Jonathan Böhlen