Arbeitsblatt: Unterschied zwischen britischer und amerikanischer Weihnacht

Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Christina Fruehauf
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

British Christmas (A) or American Christmas (B)? Burn the letters for father christmas in the chimney(1) to send them directly to the north Hang stockings(2) around the bed so you are surrounded(3) by presents when you wake up in the morning Leave some brandy and mince pie(4) for father christmas Letters to father christmas Christmas cracker(5) (with plastic price, paper crown and terrible(6) joke inside) Roast turkey(7), bacon wrapped sausages, roast potatoes and vegetables with gravy(8) Eat until you cant move and watch tv until you pass out(9) Pumpkin and pecan pie(10) Christmas pudding (boiled(11) cake with dry fruit and spices with alcohol) Leave some milk and cookies for father christmas Hang stockings around the chimney The queen gives speech(12) reflecting about what happened in the last year Boxing day (you go shopping) Pantomime in the theatres starring(13) famous celebrities Taking down(14) the christmas tree within 12 days You call christmas „crimbo (1) chimney Cheminée (2) stockings (3) surrounded umgeben (4) mince pie Pfefferminzkeks (5) cracker Kracher (6) terrible schrecklich (7) roast turkey gerösteter Truthahn (8) gravy Sosse (9) pass out bewusstlos werden (10) kürbis- und Pekannusskuchen (11) boiled gekocht (12) speech eine Rede (13) starring in den Hauptrollen spielend (14) taking down entfernen