Arbeitsblatt: Writing a postcard


Schrittweise Anleitung zum Schreiben einer Postkarte
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6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Writing postcard 1. Read the two postcards. 1 Dear Kim Im on Majorca. do lots of things here. go swimming in the pool. go to the beach. met few kids. like it. want to stay. Love, Patricia 2 Dear Kim Im writing to you from Majorca and its great here. Every morning go swimming in the pool and in the afternoons go to the beach. Its fantastic because the sand is white and the water is cool. Yesterday went surfing with my dad and it was really funny. But the best thing is that met some nice kids so enjoy the holiday very much. Ill be here for another two weeks. Love, Patricia Which one is more interesting? Why? Postcard is more interesting because 2. How can you make your sentences more interesting? Use adjectives: adverbs: time phrases: linking words: 2a. Make the sentences more interesting. Add the words from the brackets. 1. Im having fun here. (really, lots of) Im really having lots of fun here. 2. Weve got pool. (fantastic) 3. go there. (usually, in the mornings) 4. We have lunch in restaurants. (different, every day) 5. My parents take me to churches and museums. (in the afternoons, lots of) 6. dont like the churches, but the museums are interesting. (very much, often) 7. We went to show. (yesterday, really great) 2b. Use the words in brackets to link the sentences. Make changes if necessary. 1. The weather is terrible. We cant go swimming. (so) The weather is terrible, so we cant go swimming. 2. The hotel isnt so good. The other guests are really nice. (but) 3. We have to stay another day. Theres problem with our plane tickets. (because) 4. have shower. The water is always cold after minute. (when) 5. We get back home on Sunday. Im going to send an angry letter to the hotel. (after) 3. How to write postcard 1. Start with greeting 1. 2. 2. Say where you are 3. 3. Say what you usually 4. do 5. 6. 4. Say what you did 7. yesterday Dear Hi Im writing Every Yesterday The best Ill be 5. Say whats special 6. Say how long youll be there 7. Finish with closing phrase 4. Read this postcard. Dear John Were in Wales. Its nice here. Were in hotel. The breakfast is good. We went to castle. It was nice. Your friend, Ben 4a. Whats wrong, whats missing? 4b. Write the postcard again and improve it. Remember the rules of writing postcard. 5. You are on holiday in London. Write your own postcard to friend. Remember the rules of writing postcard.