Arbeitsblatt: Tetrapak Geldbörse


3 Verschiedene Varianten um aus einem Tetrapak eine Geldbörse herzstellen.
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This concept turned into three wonderful years full of creative ideas. Thanks to all who helped! Einfache Geldbörse aus Tetrapak 31.8.2015 30 Tage 30 Dinge 31.8.2015 30 Tage 30 Dinge Leave Trackback (URL). Leave Trackback (URL). Day 103: Guest Post – Tetra Purse Das brauchst du: Choose your Tetrapak mit quadratischem Boden language 26 Jul Sophie sent us an upcycle classic – the TetraPak purse. Schere Choose your Sophie says: made wallets out of old drinking packagings. (but you can keep all kind of Filed under Guest Posts, different stuff by the way condoms perfectly fit in ;)) Clothing, Jewelry Bags, language Search Suche Klettband oder Knopf Paper Card. All you need to do is: Tagged basteln, DIY, do it yourself, geldbörse, purse, 1) Find nice juice/milkpackaging, where the lower quarter is beautiful to look at (in those selber machen, selbermachen, little chinese and indian shops you can find packagings varied patterns), some scissors tetrapack, TetraPak, upcycle, and adhesive hook and loop fastener. upcycling, wallet, we upcycle, weupcycle. Bookmark the permalink. Search for: Search Suche Search Search for: Powered by Search Powered by Post comment. 1/7 2) Cut the Packaging little below the half. 1 Schneide das Tetrapak in der Hälfte durch. Beim benötigten Stück sollen alle Seiten gleich lang sein. Wasche dein Stück mit Seife aus. 2) Cut the Packaging little below the half. 31.8.2015 30 Tage 30 Dinge 3) On the side which will be used as the cover, you have to cut along the corners to the bottom. The other sides should be cut to the same heighth as the sides of the bottomsquare. (See red lines!) It is necessary for the folding later on. 3) On the side which will be used as the cover, you have to cut along the corners to the bottom. The other sides should be cut to the same heighth as the sides of the bottomsquare. (See red lines!) It is necessary for the folding later on. 2 Entscheide welche Seite vorne sein soll und schneide an dessen Seiten entlang der Ecken bis zum Boden. 4) On the sides you have to cut off two triangles 2/7 4) On the sides you have to cut off two triangles 3 Schneide die Seitenwände diagonal durch. Es sollte nun aussehen wie auf dem Bild. 4 Knicke nun die dreieckigen Seiten in der Mitte ein und falte das ganze zusammen. 31.8.2015 30 Tage 30 Dinge 5) Than you have to fold these sides to clap the whole together. (If necessary you can cut the corners and round them down) 5 Wenn du möchtest kannst du die 3/7 Ecken des Deckels noch abrunden oder eine andere Form einschneiden. Nun klebe das Klettband auf oder mache den Knopf an. Fertig! 6) Place 1/2 cm adhesive hook and loop fastener on the shown area and voilà finished. :) se is available in my hub about recycled wallets. The article includes tips, tricks, ideas and some ludes link to the video manual. 31.8.2015 Geldbörse aus Tetrapak 2 recycling money wallet How to make Take your chance to clean the package some more inside ;) The package now looks like this. The edges are usually glued to the side and should open easily. 3 Wasche die Packung gut mit Seife aus und trockne sie ab. Also onstep the bottom the package. oto manual willopen showthe youedges step by how to of create your own recycling wallet. Now fold the sides Repeat inwards.onUse folds thatuntil youthe made beforeiswhen youeven. flattened the package. thethe other side, package flat and Take your chance to clean the package some more inside ;) 4 Nun falte die Packung zusammen, sodass die Seiten gegen innen zeigen. Das brauchst du: Tetrapak Schere Klebeband Press It the together flatten itmoney again. Look for the side where the package was glued together. is package the best use this side as the inside, wallet because it breaks more easily than the other side. 31.8.2015 How toto make aand recycling Now fold the sides inwards. Use the folds that you made before when you flattened the package. The edges should open easily. container. The easiest is to use brick shaped package. an empty milk or juice 5 Nun fahre mit einer Schere, einem Falzbein oder einem Lineal entlang der Falten. 1 Löse alle Ecken und drücke das Tetrapak flach zusammen Use scissor to really flat. on thethe side,again untiland themake package is flat andpart even. Have good look at the textsRepeat and images onother the package try to itdecide which of the design should go where. Press the package together and flatten it again. esnt matter if the packages is slightly whencommon you open the corners. Tetra Pak. Thesedamaged are the most packages and the best to create recycling wallet. Brik by the company 6 Entscheide welche Seite vorne und welche hinten sein soll. Press theshould package move along the side while keep the scissors pressed is the best to of use this side as you thetwo inside, because it breaks Look for the side where the package was on glued together. about thirds up. Leave aboutmore 5down. cm easily on thethan top. the other side. Fold the part of the the scissor package that goItand under the flap the wallet Use the scissor again to make it really flat. of the modelOpen Combibloc you on willthe have the bottom, which is little more complicated. the edges toptoofcut theout package. cling-money-wallet 1/15 7 Falte nun die Packung so zusammen. Flatten the package intoaarecycling rectangle size. How to make money wallet the package and trybecome to decide part of the Have good lookFold at the over theon bottom part. This will thewhich flap to close thedesign wallet. should go where. thetexts top and part images Press the scissor on the package and move along the side while you keep the scissors pressed down. 2 Schneide oben und unten den Verschluss ab. cling-money-wallet The package now looks like this. 2/15 Fold the package that should under flap of the about twominor thirdschanges up. Leave about 5 cm the top. yourgo wallet willthe look like. Youwallet can still make to the way youon folded it. Youthe willpart nowofhave an idea of what It already looks bit like wallet now. How to make recycling money And fold the flap over it. It already looks like wallet now. wallet 8 Falte nun die Packung zwei mal so zusammen. Have look at your wallet to see if it looks nice on all sides. thesides flap that willpackage. close theThe wallet needs be cutremain. off. Now the part ou should cut under off three of the front side to should 31.8.2015 How to make recycling money wallet partpackage of the flap should stay! Be careful which part remove!the wallet. he hisoutside part of the is probably the31.8.2015 most complicated partyou of creating 9 Schneide den Deckel aus it again and cut off details to adjust wallet your design. If you are not happy, unfold How to make recycling money Sticking the tape around the sides atually is the most work. 11 Nun kannst du alle Seiten mit Klebeband dekorieren. lot ofare tape all around you also loose something of the your original design. the wallet shape,looks take good, some but colourful adhesive tape to decorate wallet. Whena you satisfied with the folded it on simply the lefttake sideanother of the flap. The part of again. the cut should Putting stay! ne where If you cutyou off too much. package andleft start it will take the most timewallet to put all the tapes. If you want to cover the edges really 31.8.2015 Howprecisely to make recycling money 10 Das sieht dann so aus: Try to decide which part of the original design you would like to keep and where you would like to put the tape. line wherelook you like folded it on rightsuccessfully side of the flap. The right of thethe cut should after youthe have cut off thepart parts behind flap. hat it should Puttingstay! lot of tape all around wallet looksso good, youaalso of the original design. am athe perfectionist, firstbut make cut loose in the something corner Cut off sides andthis the part backorbut leave flapother on the front! throw away use it forthe some creation. You canthe cling-money-wallet The package has its right shape now. You can also cover the top and bottom of the package. you would keepdown. and where you would like to put the tape. Try to decide which part of the original anddesign then carefully foldlike thetotape 6/15 Put the tape around the 3 sides of the package. You can alsoAnd cover the top andother bottom of the package. repeat on the side. Finally, all the taping is finished. 31.8.2015 How to make recycling money wallet 14 Jetzt fehlt nur noch eine Befestigung, dass kann ein Stück Klettband sein oder ein Gummiband mit Knopf sein. dont need to put so much tape around it, but it will make your wallet last longer. Stick the other part on the inside of the flap. 12 Wenn alle Seiten fertig sind, kannst du die Geldbörse wieder zusammenklappen Put the package back into the shape of the wallet. Make sure that the Velcro sticks really well before you open and close your wallet. It is almost finished now. When you become more experienced, you can experiment to make the flap longer, so that you can still close the wallet when there are lot of coins inside. How to make recycling money wallet cling-money-wallet 13 Die zwei Taschen kannst du nun mit Heftklammern zusammen machen. small stapler to connect the pockets together. Put one staple on the right side. 13/15 And that it. Your wallet is ready. And put one staple on the left side. Now the only thing left you need is money. usually use two staples, because it makes it stronger and it looks better. Enjoy your wallet! Tetrapack-Börse Schneide zuerst deine Saft/Milchtüte vorsichtig auseinander und mache sie sauber. Schneide die Vorlage aus und klebe sie zusammen. Nun legst du die Vorlage so auf das Tetrapack, dass der graue Kreis über dem Schraubverschluss liegt. Fixiere eventuell die Vorlage auf der Verpackung. Mit einem Lineal und Kugelschreiber fährst du kräftig alle Linien nach, damit du sie später leichter knicken kannst. Nun muss noch der Außenrand abgeschnitten werden. Falte alle gestrichelten Linien nach innen, den Halbkreis kannst du wie eine Ziehharmonika falten. Das untere Loch kannst du am besten vorsichtig mit dem Cutter ausschneiden. Jetzt ist deine Geldbörse fertig! Der Verschluss ist der Schraubverschluss der Tüte, verklebe das Loch noch mit etwas Papier und Klebeband. von Caro Conrad für KingKalli 59 August/September 2013