Arbeitsblatt: Übungstest OW unit 6 Vocabulary and irregular Verbs


Voci unit 6 üben irregular Verbs (past form) üben
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Bruno Ebneter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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OW1 Unit 6 Vocabulary irregular verb forms Translate and then find the suitable word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . is person you dont know. In 1773 James Cook . the Antarctic circle. In the past . wanted to discover new countries. When you . you will see my my car outside. . in navigation – such as GPS – mean we can find your way better. 6. James Cook wanted to explore . territory. 7. havent seen him . 8. Lets go to the . shop. 9. The New Zealanders are the . of New Zealand. 10. have good . with my parents. 11. Its . to explore new regions! 12. Since her . Tamsin Grey has seen lot. sich nähern Einwohner, Ankunft unbekannt Fremder Beziehung, Bewohner Forscher, Entdecker noch nicht, schon (Pl.) überqueren (past!) Verhältnis aufregend, nahe gelegenen Verbesserung (Pl.) spannend Base form be choose drink forbid have leave say stand take throw past simple got lay rode Base form break do eat find hit know read think win write past simple stuck shot became cut forgave gave brought OW1 Unit 6 Vocabulary irregular verb forms Solution Translate and then find the suitable word. 1. stranger is person you dont know. 2. In 1773 James Cook crossed the Antarctic circle. 3. In the past explorers wanted to discover new countries. 4. When you approach, you will see my car outside. 5. Improvements in navigation – such as GPS – mean we can find your way better. 6. James Cook wanted to explore unknown territory. 7. havent seen him yet. 8. Lets go to the nearby shop. 9. The New Zealanders are the inhabitants of New Zealand. 10. have good relationship with my parents. 11. Its exciting to explore new regions! 12. Since her arrival Tamsin Grey has seen lot. sich nähern approach Forscher, Einwohner, Bew. inhabitant noch nicht, Ankunft unbekannt arrival Fremder unknown Beziehung, Entdecker (Pl.) explorer überqueren (past) cross Base form be choose drink forbid have leave say stand take throw get lie ride cut forgive schon yet aufregend, spann. exciting past simple was/were chose drank forbade had left said stood took threw got lay rode cut forgave Verhältnis stranger nahe gelegenen nearby Base form break do eat find hit know read think win write stick shoot become give bring relationship Verbesserung (Pl.) improvemen past simple broke did ate found hit knew read thought won wrote stuck shot became gave brought