Arbeitsblatt: Bedingungslos


Fragen zum Film in Englisch
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Joël Aeberli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Bedingungslos Intro: Sam (Samantha), why does she want to kill herself? What ist about Joe? Why is he suffering? What is about the children? Why are they stealing something? The prison scene: Joe is in the prison. He is cleaning the parket. All the criminals are listening to country music. The other black man is not happy about the music. white man is spitting on the floor and he is saying: Theres more work for you. Now the black man is going nervous. And he is switching off the music. The gardiens are opening the prison doors. Now the white men are coming out and they are threatening the black men. Joe ist switching on the music again and he is singing to the country music. So he can save himself and the other black man. In this way country music has saved his life. Why is the little girl deaf? How can she speak again? Who is helping her?