Arbeitsblatt: Communicate with the class


Die SuS schreiben kurze Emails, die untereinander in der Klasse ausgetauscht werden
Texte schreiben
6. Schuljahr
10 Seiten




Simona Schlegel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Communicate with the Class! communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: communicate with: Name: You are going to write an Email about: Email: Reply: