Arbeitsblatt: How to write a postcard Young World 4, Unit 4


Übersichtsblatt mit hilfreichem Wortschatz, um zu üben eine Postkarte auf Englisch zu schreiben.
Texte schreiben
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Jolanda Brasi
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Young World 4, Unit 4 How to write postcard 1. Anrede (saluation) Hello, Joe, Hi grandpa, Dear Mrs. Brasi My dearest, Uncle Tom Beloved Aunt Vivianne 2. Nachricht (message) Talk about your holidays! (weather, Where are you? What are you doing? What do you like? Food?) Im here on holidays with. Im writing from. The weather is. (fine, bad, good). Its. raining, snowing, sunny, cloudy, windy, hot, cold. like. At the moment, Im sitting at. (my room, my desk, the beach.) Yesterday we went. swimming/ hiking/ eating This afternoon. Tomorrow. In the morning. Im going to 3. Ende/ Grüsse (ending, greetings) hope you are having good time! Best regards Best wishes All the best Yours Cheers See you, See you soon. Miss you! Jolanda Brasi Remember! Dont forget to write the adress and your name at the end! If you are abroad, dont forget to write the country (Switzerland). Young World 4, Unit 4 Bye, Wish you were here! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Jolanda Brasi