Arbeitsblatt: Ben and the five sesational senses


Geschichte zu den fünf Sinnen.Young world 2, unit 1
Lesen / Literatur
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Erhard Rieben
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Ben and the five sensational senses Ben is ten years old boy who lives in Scotland. His father tells him about the five senses. But Ben wonders which the most important sense is. So he goes on walk to meet his friends. First he meets Moly the mole. „Hey Moly, which is the most important sense? „Of course touching is the most important sense, answers the mole. „ dont need to see, with my paws feel the earth and so know where can dig my holes. Then Ben meets Goaddy the goat on the pasture. „Hey Goaddy, which is the most important sense? Goaddy answers: „Of course tasting is the most important sense, because with my tongue can taste the herbs and find the best pasture. few steps further on Ben meets Doggy the dog. He asks Doggy: „ Which is the most important sense? „Of course hearing is the most important sense. With my ears can hear my friends from miles away. Later Ben meets Whinny the horse. „Hey Whinny what is the most important sense? „Of course smelling is most important, because with my nose can smell my enemies the wolves from far away. Finally Ben meets Wings the eagle sitting on tree. „Wings please tell me, what is the most important sense? Wings answers: „For me seeing is the most important sense, because with my eyes can see mouse from high up in the sky. When Ben walks home he thinks about the senses. Then he says to himself: „For animals there may be one most important sense, but for me all senses are important and am glad to have all of them.