Arbeitsblatt: Hörverstehen Film Oliver Twist


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Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Karin Ingold
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Film Oliver Twist Answer the questions about the film: 1. How old is Oliver Twist? 8 9 11 2. Why is he in the workhouse? No job No parents No school diploma 3. What happens when Oliver asks for more food? He gets more The boss runs after him He goes back to the table 4. Where does he make an apprenticeship (Lehre)? Cook Chimney sweeper House cleaner 5. Is Oliver happy about that? Yes No We dont know 6. How much does Oliver cost on the poster (Plakat) in the streets? 4 pounds 5 pounds 8 pounds 7. What does Oliver get for food by the new family? Dogs food Cats food Nothing 8. Where does he sleep? Under the desk Next to the window In the bed 9. Where is Olivers mum? In workhouse Dead In an other village Why attackes Oliver the other boy? He looks at him in bad way He says something bad about his mother He asks him for money How far (weit) is it to London? 70 miles 95 miles 110 miles Who finds Oliver on the ground on the country lane (Feldweg)? young lady An old man An old woman Where does Oliver want to go? Heathrow London city Brooklyn bridge How many days does Oliver walk to London? 4 days 5 days 7 days Whats the boys nickname, the boy with the black hat (Hut)? Luusbueb Schlitzohr Fräche Dieb 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Whats in the black chest (Truhe)? Jewellery and watch Jewellery and wallets Jewellery and towels What does Schlitzohr steal? Drinks and food Food and wallets Wallets and flowers What does Oliver learn from the old man called Fagin? To read books To steal things To attack people What does Oliver burn in the garden? Newspapers Clothes Pictures Where does the two men bring Oliver with the carriage (Kutsche)? To the workhouse To the boss Bill To the jail What do they want to do at night? To break in To visit friends To steal car Is the break-in (Einbruch) successful? Yes No We dont know Where does the girl (Nancy) want to meet Mr. Brownlow? In café On the bridge In the street What does she say to him? The big boss place Olivers place 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The boys place Why all the boys flee (fliehen)? The big boss comes The police comes Many people from the street come What does the white dog do in the restaurant? It is hungry It shows the way to Bill It wants to come in Why does Bill die? He fells down He slippes He is shot Who did Oliver visit in the prison (Gefängnis)? The other boys Bill Fagin 26. 27. 28.