Arbeitsblatt: Hörverständnis Englisch 6. Klasse


Lehrmittel New world 2 Unit 3, 6. Klasse Text 3 Mal vorlesen. SuS kreuzen richtig oder falsch an. SuS dürfen während dem Vorlesen Notizen machen.
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6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Franziska Heierle
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Listening Comprehension 6.3 name: mai 2018 points/19 mark: signature: 1. Listen to the text. You hear the text 3 times. You can take some notes, if you like. Tick the right answer. Statement The cocoa tree is cultivated for the last five hundreds years. The cocoa trees grow around the equator and in Spain. The beans are in little sack. The pods are 50 cm long. The colours of the pods range from yellow to violet. The pods grow only on the branches. Its cold climate on the equator. You can harvest the cocoa pods only one time an year. After fermentation the cocoa beans are ready to eat. 200 years ago chocolate was for rich people in Europe. Conrad van Suiker discovered the powdered chocolate. Chocolate powder was discovered in 1903. The cocoa press was invented by Mister van Houten. The cocoa press opened the door for chocolate massproduction. true false Next task When you finished the task above, go to your teacher and write your name on the sheet. Write down 3 chocolate words. Then draw smiley on the blackboard. Write your name under the smiley. Go back to your teacher and say: Hello, am chocolate expert. Done! You are going to enjoy piece of chocolate. Facts about cocoa Text for the teacher. Read out loud three times. Chocolate is made from the seeds of the tropical cocoa tree. This tree has been cultivated for at least three thousands years. Today, lot of cocoa is produced in West Africa, Ghana and the Ivory Coast. The fruits of the cocoa tree are football – shaped pods that are about 20 cm long. They weight about half kilo. They range in colour from yellow to red or even violet. The pods grow directly from the tree trunk, not from branches like apples. Every morning, the trees are checked on wheter the cocoa pods are ripe. Cocoa trees grow near the equator. They mostly grow in the shade of other trees on cocoa plantation. The hot climate on the equator is just perfect fort he cocoa trees. Its hard work to harvest cocoa. First, you have to wait at least five years until the tree is big enough and you can harvest the pods. Twice an year, you can harvest the ripe fruits. After harvesting workers cut off the ripe fruit. For this they use machetes. After the fermentaion the workers weigh and pack the dry beans into sacks and load them onto trucks. They carry the sacks to the port, where cranes lift them on large ships. The ships take the sacks with beans to Europe. Now few facts about chocolate in Europe When chocolate first came on the scene in Europe, it was luxury only the rich could enjoy. But in 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Johannes van Houten discovered way to treat cacao beans with alkaline salts to make powdered chocolate that was easier to mix with water. The process became known as Dutch processing and the chocolate produced called cacao powder or Dutch cocoa. Van Houten supposedly also invented the cocoa press, although some reports state his father invented the machine. The cocoa press separated cocoa butter from roasted cocoa beans to inexpensively and easily make cocoa powder, which was used to create wide variety of delicious chocolate products. Both Dutch processing and the chocolate press helped make chocolate affordable for everyone. It also opened the door for chocolate to be massproduced. name chocolate word chocolate word chocolate word