Arbeitsblatt: NW3 U3 Courtesy Poster


Poster im A1-Format mit höflichen Redewendungen
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Thomas Hostettler
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Courtesy counts Thomas Hostet ler Asking for something Could have the salt, please? How are you today? Yes, of course. Would you mind borrowing me pen, please? Could you please step aside, darling? Where do you come from, love? Of course, here you are. What would you like to drink? cup of tea, please. want to speak to the manager right now! Switzerland. Excuse me, Im looking for an ATM. There one just around the corner. Please open your books at page 35. Do you think you could call back in 10 minutes? Yeah, sure! Did you want another cup of coffee? This way please. Pardon me. Could you please repeat? Im afraid not. An time! Do you want some more ice cream? Of course, sir. Quick! We need doctor! Can we please close the windows? May ask you question? dont think so! Im fine, thank you. Dont push that red button! Absolutely! If you say so. May have the bill, please? Certainly, Madam. Yes please. Expressing thanks Thanks for the flowers. wouldnt swim there if were you. Ill call you tomorrow. Youre welcome. Thank you for calling back. appreciate it. Please do. Let me help you. That very kind of you. No problem. dont think you should drink the water here. Thank you for telling me. Watch out! Youre about to fall down. Your new dress looks great. Thanks lot. Thanks very much. Expressing an apology Im really sorry, didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Im terribly sorry. How careless of me. Dont worry about it. Sorry. It was all my fault. That OK. Never mind!