Arbeitsblatt: Young World 2 - Unit 5 - Prepositions


Lehrperson diktiert SuS ein Zeichendiktat. In den Sätzen sind die wichtigsten Präpositionen der Unit 5 (YW2) enthalten.
Gemischte Themen
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Mirjam Glaus
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 5 – Drawing dictate 1) Put the paper in front of you, that it is more wide than high. 2) In the middle are three big, grey mountains. 3) At the top left is yellow sun. 4) At the bottom right is big light blue lake. 5) At the bottom left is small village with six houses. The houses have different colours. 6) river goes from the lake through the village. 7) In the lake are three purple fishes swimming. 8) Above the village but still below the mountains are five green hills. 9) Four black birds are flying over mountain on the left. 10) hiker with green rucksack hikes along the river. 11) Two light blue clouds hang over the mountain on the right. 12) cyclist with red bicycle goes up the mountain on right of the paper on its right side.