Arbeitsblatt: NW4_Unit 2_Vocabulary and Grammar


Wortschatz und Grammatik New World 4 Unit 2
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Sandra Trachsel-Greuter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

NW4_Unit 2_Vocabulary name points /35 class: 8c note date: 28th November 2017 sign. Parents 1. Translation English 16p Deutsch Es war eine wahre Freude ihn zu sehen. My mother fell in love with my father fifteen years ago. In unserer Gesellschaft respektieren wir andere. Now evaluate the text you have written. Erkennst du eine Sprache, wenn du sie jemanden sprechen hörst? What would you advise me to do? Sie haben viele kulturelle Einrichtungen. It is my intention to go travelling before get job. Fühlt sie sich in der Schweiz zuhause? 2. Describe the word with synonym or in your own words in English. strength support connect opportunity 8p 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable word. The of living in small town is, that 5p everything is close by. Welcome to the city of Toronto, where people live from all over the world. The local in Thun are the Thunerli. Thun has about 43200 . If you are going to in England permanently, you are going to live there. 4. Demonstrative pronouns. 4p book over there is really expensive. bakery is well known for its cake. live in one of houses that you can see down the lake. Most of schools are for free.