Arbeitsblatt: Comparisons


Übung YW 4 Unit 2
6. Schuljahr
7 Seiten




Gabriella Caldeira
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Comparison of Adjectives – Steigerung der Adjektive 1. GEBRAUCH John is as tall as Bill. – John ist so gross wie Bill. John is taller than Bill. – John ist grösser als Bill. John is the tallest boy in his class. – John ist der grösste Junge in seiner Klasse. 2. BILDUNG Einsilbige Adjektive Adjektive auf –y (a) Konsonant nach kurzem, betontem Vokal wird verdoppelt: big - bigger (b) am Wortende - – pretty - prettier Grundform Grundform er est tall tall-er tall-est big bigg-er bigg-est pretty pretti-er pretti-est Mehrsilbige Adjektive more most Grundform Grundform dangerous more most dangerous dangerous beautiful more most beautiful beautiful Unregelmässige Adjektive gut good better best schlecht bad worse worst viel many more most much wenig little less least klein little smaller smallest Exercise 1: Steigere diese Adjektive. Beachte dabei die Regeln. Grundform small beautiful dark handsome healthy careful cool interesting fast happy intelligent short stupid silly fit expensive long good friendly normal ordinary fascinating hungry slim patient inviting easy thin boring fat bad delicious Komparativ smaller more beautiful Superlativ the smallest the most beautiful awesome enormous early fabulous Exercise 2: In the text, underline all adjectives and fill in the table! Then complete the table with the missing forms. Peter is my best friend. He is the smartest boy in my class, so he gets excellent marks in all subjects. However, he is really bad at sports. He is terrible football player. When we run in PE, he is always the slowest. Peter has nice girlfriend, Jenny. She is the prettiest girl at our school, and she is also cooler than the other girls. Grundform Komparativ Superlativ best Exercise 3a: Fill in the adjective that fits best in the comparative form: big – dangerous – fast – small – intelligent a) Elephants arebigger_ than zebras. b) Lions are than horses. c) Horses are than cows. d) Mice are than cats. e) Monkeys are than cats. Exercise 3b: Now write some sentences about animals yourself. rabbit – snake – tiger – bird – hamster – fly – budgie – pig – fox cute – small – dangerous – tiny – hungry – big – clever Exercise 4a: Fill in the adjectives that fit best. Use the superlative form. big – important – fast – intelligent – beautiful – dangerous a) Whales arethe biggest_ animals in the world. b) Cheetas (Geparden) are animals. c) Monkeys, dolphins and parrots are some of the animals in the world. d) Bears and wolves are animals in Europe. e) In my opinion, peacocks (Pfauen) are birds. f) Chickens are farm animals. Exercise 4b: Complete the sentences with your own ideas! a) is are the most delicious food have tried. b) is the best actor know. c) is the greatest book have read. d) is the most interesting school subject. e) is the most fantastic film have watched. Exercise 5: Fill in the right form: positive (big) – comparative (bigger) – superlative (the biggest). a) intelligent: Nick is an boy, but Ken is even than him. Marcus is boy in their class. b) small: Susan is very girl, but her little sister Sarah is even than her. And their cousin Sandy is girl in the family. c) tidy: My room is always very , but my brothers room is even than mine. My mums room is room in our house. Exercise 6: Write full sentences like in exercise 2. a) tall man: Michael – Andrew – Steve Michael is tall man, but Andrew is taller than him. Steve is the tallest. b) boring subject: Geography – Math – English c) nice teacher: Miss Hunt – Mr. Miller – Mr. Parker d) healthy food: bananas – apples – carrots e) interesting sport: basketball – rugby – football f) good actor: Brad Pitt – Angelina Jolie – Johnny Depp Exercise 7: Translate the sentences into English! a) Meine Tante ist grösser als mein Onkel. b) Hunde sind intelligenter als Kühe. c) Herr Smith ist der netteste Lehrer an unserer Schule. d) Jane ist die intelligenteste Schülerin in meiner Klasse. e) Tom ist kleiner als sein Bruder. f) Ich bin so gross wie du. g) Er ist der beste Spieler im Team. h) Deine Erkältung (cold) ist schlimmer als gestern. i) Caroline ist das schönste Mädchen in der Stadt. j) Er ist dümmer als ich. k) Unser Auto ist langsamer als Peters Auto. l) Das ist die heisseste Suppe, die ich je gegessen habe. m) Sein letzter Film war so gut wie der erste. Exercise 8: Fill in the right form of the verb in brackets. a) This summer was lot (cold) than the last one. hope the next summer will be (warm) than this one! b) This is the (good) chocolate cake Ive ever tried. Can you give me the recipe? – Yes, of course. found it in this (old) cookbook. c) Lets buy this watch. It is (cheap) than the others. – Yes, it is, but the others look much (nice). And this one is not much (expensive) than that one; it only costs 5 dollars more. d) There were three dogs in our garden. One was very (small). The other one was little (big) than the first one. The last one was as (big) as the second dog. e) We have cleaned the whole house. The kitchen is now as (clean) as the bathroom. But the living room is bit (clean) than my brothers room because he is so untidy. My room is the (clean) of all!