Arbeitsblatt: Prüfung New World 5 unit 2


Eine Prüfung über den ersten Teil der Unit 2 in New World 5
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Jürg Burkard

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test unit 2 3b 2018 Name: 1. Vocabulary: Translate and spell correctly (8) Bewerbung Behälter . Schwerkraft Verlust . 2. Vocabulary: Fill in the gaps. Fülle die Lücken (4) Why couldnt you this? He was almost killed! The old car needs lot of We will the best student for the price. Tonight we sleep out in the forest so dont forget your 3. Vocabulary: Form useful sentence with at least five words. (4) Bilde einen sinnvollen Satz. state tool. . 4. Change this sentence into question without question word. Ändere den Satz um in eine Frage ohne Fragewort (What etc) (6) go. . You went. . You have gone can go. . She goes. . She went. . 5. Form questions that fit the answer of the bold expression (6) eg The girl likes the boy. Who does like the boy? see the light. . go there tomorrow. . He goes to school. . 6. Translate. Übersetze (6) Ich kann gehen. . Sie kann gehen. . Kannst du lesen? . Ich sollte jetzt gehen. . Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen? . Das könnte ein Problem sein. . Turn the page! Test group 1 a) Explain the four steps of the astronauts training in four sentences. (4) b) Explain what the vomit comet is in four sentences. (4) c) Explain four daily routines in space which you dont do on earth. (4) d) Explain (in German) what an acronym is and form acronyms for the: Sekundarschule Reinach, Sportverein Aesch (4) Test group 2 a) Explain your future job training in three sentences. (3) b) What do you know about the spacesuit? (4) c) Explain how they brush their teeth in space. (4) d) Explain (in German) what an acronym is and form acronyms for the: Sekundarschule Reinach, Sportverein Aesch (4) Total page 1 Test group 1/2 (31) . (16 or 15) . Total . Grade: . What to learn: can translate and spell the vocabulary of p28 Ressource book Introduction and Presenting. can form questions in the present tense and the past tenses. can use the modalverbs in sentences: can, could should, would, will, might Coming up in december Unit 2 Test 2 (only vocabulary and grammar) listening Present your future job in front of the class 6. Translate (8) Ich kann das nicht . can explain what job am dreaming of. can explain the four steps of the astronauts training in four sentences. can explain my future job training in three sentences. can explain what the vomit comet is. can explain screenshots from the film. can explain how the spacesuit works. can explain the daily routine in space. can explain how they brush their teeth in space. can explain what an acronym is and can form acronyms. can write about my daily routine 10 years from today. 5. Are these sentences correct(c) or false (f) (4) Yes, we can .