Arbeitsblatt: Word Test Voices 3 Unit 1


Word Test Voices 3 Unit 1
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




fruity (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

English Writing Test Unit 1 Voices 3 Date: First name: My feeling after having written test: Points: German 1 Rollstuhl: James is in after an accident. 2 total gestresst, im Stress: After my exams, was totally. 3 Mehrheit: The of people want to have lots of free time. 4 im Durchschnitt, durchschnittlich: they sold 100 tickets for the concert. 5 Fallschirmspringen: His hobby is out of planes. 6 Haltung, Einstellung: have very positive towards living in this country. 7 überreden, überzeugen: My mother me to take yoga course. 8 Hausarbeit, „Ämtchen: The easiest household is drying the dishes. 9 angenehm, bequem: Its to have shop around the corner. 1 0 ersetzen, austauschen: My new bag was broken, so got it 1 1 sicher, bestimmt: Our plans are no yet, they may change. 1 2 spalten, teilen, aufteilen: French Canadians dont want to from Canada. 1 3 anziehen, anlocken: The Niagara Falls . millions of tourists. 1 4 falsch machen: Tim two of the answers 1 5 sich freuen über, zufrieden sein mit: My teacher with my progress in French. 1 6 Alltagsroutine: After my holidays, want to get back to my again. 1 7 ertragen, aushalten: cant the cold, never go outside. 1 8 Ergebnis: The of the survey was surprising. 1 9 dicht bevölkert: Switzerland is quite 2 0 überzeugend: The shop assistant was so . that bought the watch. 20 English Mark: