Arbeitsblatt: NI2 vocitest U6. S.41-43


Vocabulary Test New Inspiration 2, Unit 6, S.41-43
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Kama (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Name: Vocabulary Test New Inspiration 2, Unit 6, .41-43 2d Fill the gap with suitable word that starts with the given letter. /21P. 1. Have you recorded a_? 2. She b_ the plate when she dropped it. 3. The d_ swam in the lake. 4. There isnt enough time to see e_. 5. g_ is the tallest mammal in the world. 6. The farmer kept cows and g_ on the farm. 7. have tried to talk to her, but she been h_ to me. 8. The fat p_ rolled in the mud. 9. The zoo works hard to p_ wildlife in danger. 10.You can take s_ with you to the party. 11.I leave the office at lunchtime to get some fresh a_. 12.We had to be at the a_ very early to catch our flight. 13.Have you ever flown a? 14.Maglev trains do not have b_ to stop the train. 15.The b smiled as got on the bus. 16.The cwas full of cars. 17.They had lots of c_ on the sofa. 18.The trains f_ on cushion of air. 19.There has never been so much i_ in it before. 20. M_ have north and south poles. 21.Theres n_ else to stay, well have to stay here.