Arbeitsblatt: NI2 vocitest U6


Vocabulary Test New Inspiration 2, Unit 6
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Kama (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Vocabulary Test New Inspiration 2, Unit 6 2d Fill the gap with suitable word that starts with the given letter. /24P. 1. You can p_ train driving on this simulator. 2. young woman drove onto rin front of train. 3. You can buy your train ticket at the r. 4. Maglev transport was dream but now it r_. 5. France has the TGV with top s_ of 350 kilometres an hour. 6. They mustnt forget the d_ of the jungle. 7. My tto London was very expensive. 8. We could travel by t_or t_ instead of bus. 9. There isnt enough time to see e_. 10.We had to stand all the way because the train was so c_. 11.E_ in the group was making video. 12.They had picnic outside on the g_. 13.I havent got any expensive j_. 14.You dont have to come to the stadium, but youll miss s really exciting. 15.She is the singer because she has the best v_. 16.We travelled from England to France on the f_. 17.She returned her books to the l_. 18.The Cristo Redentor statue is on top of the Corcovado m_ in Rio. 19.The Queen lives in p_. 20.The T_ of Artemis is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 21.We could see large w_ on the side of the mountain. 22.They must spend the w_ night alone in the jungle. 23.I have tried to talk to her, but she has been h_ to me. 24.You can take s_ with you to the party. Name: