Arbeitsblatt: Unit 8 Open World 1 Vocabulary


Vocabulary Übung 1. Übung Lückentext mit Sätzen aus dem Heft, wo die korrekten Wörter hineingefügt werden müssen. 2. Übung: Deutsche Wörter auf Englisch übersetzten. Alle Wörter dieser Unit kommen vor.
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Michelle Messmer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 8 Vocabulary 1. Turn the key to unlock the door. 2. .Im sure youll get better grade next time. 3. At the seaside there soften refreshing . 4. We dont have in Switzerland. 5. Can you me some water, please? 6. The sea is today. 7. No one likes sudden in temperature. 8. Smoking can cancer. 9. The hurricane did lot of to the town. 10. Our is that hot air rises. 11. nowthe buffet open- help yourselves 12. Be careful with those books or youll drop them. 13. Mountaineers must have an of food. 14. There is so much here that cant stop sneezing. 15. Australia is in the southern 16. The . was very thick. 17. Look how long your is! 18. the temperature if you dont see any change. 19. storm at sea can be called . 20. He always feels before tests. 21. Pour the sauce into , please. 22. Theres big of books on my desk. 23. The will be a wind today. 24. Keep some candles at home in case of 25. You can put fire with water. 26. Is the an answer a) b) or c)? the correct box. 27. The marking for the test is quite complicated. 28. The weather was very last night. 29. The says the bus will be here in 6 minutes. 30. There are tall on the top of the factory. 31. Move the window if you need more light. 32. The air is quite at the moment 33. There is greatof plants in their garden. 34. The road is Drive carefully! 35. There are dishes on the lunch menu. entlang Zaun wenigstens Formen, bilden zusammenbrauen müssen nennen Druck rund reparieren Entscheidung Stadium Tiefdruckgebiet Tropen Wetterbedingunge weitermachen erzeugen verschwinden schön frisch sanft beeinflussen Leicht (verb) notieren Beobachtung ersetzen Blitz heftig beissen celsius Grad neblig frostig Frost