Arbeitsblatt: New Open World Unti 1


Unit Oworld Test
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




007 (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
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name:_ English Test Unit 1 points:/ mark: 1. Fill in the correct verb forms! Verb in German Base Form (Infinitif) Past Simple denken bringen planen fahren reden machen kaufen treffen (jemanden) überfallen (Bank) nehmen /5 2. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verb given. You will sometimes have to write question using personal pronoun. (Vervollständige die Sätze mit dem past und den vorgegebenen Verben, es gibt auch Fragen, die richtig zu formulieren sind, verwende dabei ein Pronomen.) play, go, serve, work, eat, stand. drive, buy, see, look 1) Who 2) Yesterday football with in the park? on an open-deck bus tour around the city. It was great! 3) What your mother for dinner yesterday? 4) My aunt knows Edinburgh well. She in Scotland for five years. 5) football when you were in Scotland? 6) I_ in the rain for twenty minutes waiting for the bus this morning. 7) We 8) 9) We 10) to the coast to get boat to Inchcolm Island. lots of souvenirs when was on holiday in Scotland. around lots of museums when we were in Edinburgh. some interesting sights on your tour of the Highlands? /10 3. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past Watch out there are questions (?)and negative sentences (-). Formuliere eine korrekte Frage, wo du ein Fragezeichen (?) siehst, formuliere einen negativen (verneint) Satz, wo du ein Minuszeichen (-)siehst!) How old (you, ) (be) when you learnt walking? Where (she, ?) (be)yesterday evening? (He, ?) (go)to the cinema last weekend? (We, -) (go)on holiday last summer. (They, -) (be)in China last summer. (He, -) (be) in China last summer. (You, -)at school as baby. (He, ?) (learn) English at primary school? /10 4. Form correct question in the past. Ask for the underlined phrase (Satzteil) The Wright brothers tested their airplane in Kitty Hawk. ? They chose this place because the weather and landscape were so ideal. ? They finished their first airplane in 1903.? /6 5. Fill in the correct words! Good morning. My name is Schmid. Id like to a room for four people for 7 to 14 July. Oh, yes, thats at all. The room costs £ 42 per night. You can pay_. Is that OK? Yes, that sounds fine. Can we book breakfast? Well, we dontbreakfast, but you can buy food at the supermarket and eat it in the hostel. OK, thats fine. IIl send you booking by email. Whats your email address, please? Its Can you your name, please? Thats Hanna H-A-N-N-A; Schmid S-C-HM-1D. OK, Ive got that, thank you. Youll hear from me later today. Anything else? No, thats great, thank you. Bye! Bye andsoon in Edinburgh! /7 6. Fill in the right words Anschluss Verdächtige/er perfekter Sitz Schottische Englischsprachig Feld (auf einem Spielbrett) berühmt Jugendherberge /4