Arbeitsblatt: Talking about the past and the future


Einfache Übungssätze New World 2 Unit 2
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Übungssätze Name: Talking about the past and the future 1. Die folgenden Personen werden gleich etwas tun. Sie haben ihre Handlungen bereits geplant oder vorbereitet. Bilde positive Sätze im Futur 1 mit going to. 1. He his friend. (to phone) 2. We new computer game. (to play) 3. My sister TV. (to watch) 4. You picnic next Tuesday. (to have) 5. Jane to the office. (to go) 6. They to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk) 7. His brother letter to his uncle today. (to write) 8. She her aunt. (to visit) 9. my homework after school. (to do) 10. Sophie and Nick their friends. (to meet) Übungssätze Name: 2. Entscheide nun selbst, welche Zeitform man verwenden muss. Complete these sentences: He (cook) dinner last night. Tomorrow you (run) in the race. Last week they (climb) that mountain. She (exercise) in the gym in the afternoon. You (carry) that heavy box yesterday. My computer (crash) last Monday We (eat) fish tonight*. *( heute Abend) He (play) football tomorrow. Yesterday Lucie (call) taxi. Next Tuesaday we (sing) song. Class 6 (write) test next week. They (eat) bread tonight*. Last night she (go) home alone. Last week we (try) fresh milk. Tomorrow they (play) minigolf. Next Monday he (visit) gorge. We (climb) mountain last Saturday. Our class (go) to rope park next Thursday. Next week they (enjoy) picnic. (check) in at youth hostel yesterday. Tomorrow we (play) table tennis. He (win) the match last Sunday. (cook) you dinner next weekend. Übungssätze Name: She (wear) her new shoes tonight. In the afternoon she (eat) cookies. Tomorrow (start) new book. Next year he (learn) Japanese. Yesterday we (walk) to the lake.