Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Test


Conditional 1 Rules
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Barley (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Unit 6 first name: points: /22 Sek 2B-1/2 surname: date: 7th of March 2019 mark: comment: English Plus II Unit 6 A) Conditional 1 5P. Vervollständige die If-Sätze vom Typ I. 1. If Caroline and Sue the salad, Phil the house. (decorate prepare) 2. Jane the sitting room, if Aaron and Tim the furniture. (not hoover not move) 3. If Bob up the kitchen, Sara the toilet. (clean tidy) 4. Elaine the drinks, if somebody her carry the bottles. (help buy) 5. If Alan and Rebecca the food, Mary and Conor the sandwiches. (organise make) B) Conditional 1 4P. Formuliere aus den folgenden Begriffen Fragen (1). Gib dann eine passende Antwort (2) mit einem If-Satz. a) what you do if it be sunny on Sunday ? 1. 2. . b) if you not see your friends on Saturday what you do ? 1. 2. . English Unit 6 Sek 2B-1/2 C) must mustnt should shouldnt 8P. Formuliere folgende Regeln Ratschläge mit must oder should. a) Someone wants to go to the beach and its very hot. b) Someone makes fire but it isnt allowed. c) Your friends want to go swimming right after lunch. d) Your classmate was watching Netflix all night long and is really tired. e) Its very cold outside and your friend wears sandals. f) Your sister goes camping and doesnt know what to take g) Your classmate has to write test tomorrow. h) There is man that smokes, but its forbidden. D) Vocabulary 14P. Übersetze die folgenden Sätze. (6P.) a) Du solltest aufpassen und im Dschungel keine Früchte pflücken. b) Du darfst die Affen nicht nachahmen und auf Bäume klettern. c) Wenn ich in einem Zelt schlafe, werde ich eine Wasserflasche mitnehmen. Ergänze mit einem passenden Wort. (8P.) a) Columbus to America. b) She tells other people what to do. She is very c) You need to make fire. d) We are going to the cinema. Do you want to .? e) When youre camping you sleep in f) The opposite of intelligent is g) The opposite of south is . h) You must take to see at night.