Arbeitsblatt: Young World 3 Unit 4 Test


Test für das Ende der Unit 4
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Dennis (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Test Young World 3 Unit 4 Name: Points: Note: /26 1) Vocabulary (7 points): German English Freude Interesse take care of early Adler Welpen tall Elefant Eichhörnchen sammeln Die Kuh und das Schwein warten auf der Brücke Die Mäuse schlafen bis sie den Käse riechen. 2) Fill in the missing possessive adjectives in the gaps below. (6 points) a) Do you have dog? No, dog died last year. b) John, is it true that Logans cat is called Captain Miau? Yes, cat has very strange name. c) Do Keith and Dave have any pets? Yes, they do. pets are dog and some fish. d) My grandparents live in Zurich. house is next to the cinema. e) Susanne and Peter is it true that favorite animal is bird? Yes, we really admire storks. f) Ben is it true that dog is very clever? Yes, he likes to watch the daily news. 3) Conjugate the following verbs. (6 Points) have breathe to be 4) Underline the verbs in the presence tense. (7 points) hedgehog is mammal. It breathes through its tiny nose and lives in the forest. hedgehog eats insects, snails or even snakes. Hedgehogs are in general very shy. They do not enjoy human company and hide in bushes if they feel any kind of danger. During winter, they sleep from November until March. It is called hibernation. During hibernation hedgehogs are not really asleep, instead they drop their body temperature to match their surroundings and enter state of torpor. This allows them to save lot of energy.