Arbeitsblatt: Letter to the editor


Informationsblatt zum Letter to the Editor (FOS Englisch)
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12. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Annika Schwartz
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Writing Letter to the editor In letter to the editor readers of magazines or newspapers may express their opinion on certain topic, mostly in reference to certain article. 1) Layout First, lets have look at the layout of such letter. The salutation Dear Sirs refers to both men and women. Dear Sirs, [your text] Michael King, New York 10 April 20 2) Referring to an article Secondly, you need to refer to the article and give your statement, so that people know what youre writing about. To make sure you understand the phrases given in English translate them into German. English refer to your report/article on global warming in todays/yesterdays/last weeks edition of The New York Times. quite agree would like to draw the attention of your readers to With reference to the article on airline travel (The guardian, April 02) would like to point out that entirely (dis-)agree with Bridget Smith (The Observer, March 27) when she claims that am writing about the article on fuel prices which appeared in last nights paper. am writing with reference to the article you published in last weeks issue. In New Yorks Eve (The Rural Life, Feb. 12), Dominic Evans writes that he have just read your article on unemployment benefit (April 9) and feel must am sure readers will agree with me when say that At the start of your article, you seem to claim that 3) Say what you think German Meaning Finally, you can say what you think or feel or what is on your mind. Make sure you stick to the topic. refer to your report/article on global warming in todays/yesterdays/last weeks edition of The New York Times. quite agree would like to draw the attention of your readers to Ich beziehe mich auf den Report/den Artikel über in der heutigen/gestrigen/letztwöchigen Ausgabe von Ich stimme zu With reference to the article on airline travel (The guardian, April 02) would like to point out that entirely (dis-)agree with Bridget Smith (The Observer, March 27) when she claims that Im Hinblick auf den Artikel über Luftreisen möchte ich herausstellen, dass am writing about the article on fuel prices which appeared in last nights paper. Ich schreibe wegen des Artikels über Benzinpreise, der in der Abendzeitung erschien. am writing with reference to the article you published in last weeks issue. Ich schreibe mit Bezug auf den Artikel, den Sie in der letzwöchigen Ausgabe veröffentlichten. In New Yorks Eve (The Rural Life, Feb. 12), Dominic Evans writes that he In New Yorks Eve schreibt Dominic Evans, dass er have just read your article on unemployment benefit (April 9) an feel must Ich habe gerade Ihren Artikel über Arbeitslosengelder gelesen und ich fühle, dass ich am sure readers will agree with me when say that Ich bin mir sicher, dass die Leser mit mir übereinstimmen wenn ich sage, dass At the start of your article, you seem to claim that Zu Beginn ihres Artikels behaupten Sie, dassp Ich möchte die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Leser auf lenken. Ich stimme Bridget Smith vollständig (überhaupt nicht) zu wenn sie behauptet, dass