Arbeitsblatt: Young World 3 Unit 5


Short Test Young World 3 Unit 5
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




puma_73 (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Fill in the gaps. Two words will remain. What does Fasnacht begin on this year? think its February 26th. In the leaves turn orange and fall from the trees and it starts to get colder. You have to the turkey for four hours before you can eat it. is special day or time when people wear pretty clothes, sing special songs and eat special food. the cake into four parts for Peter, Maria, you and me. buy and cake in . want to wear funny rabbit for Halloween. love to eat like chocolate after lunch. When hear pop music, love to . do you make Jiazo? – dont know. What is your favourite ? Mine is pizza. In China the colours red and gold bring . We our Christmas tree with lights and glass balls. also make some of the out of paper. autumn, bakery, costume, bread, cake, cook, cut, dance, date, decorate, decorations, dessert, festival, fireworks, flag, food, good luck, how Fill in the gaps. Three words will remain. Some people are vegetarians. They dont eat . are you so happy? – Im going to party! The first day oft he year is called , but people celebrate it on Will you your face or wear at the Fasnacht? is your birthday? The store over there sweets and postcards. is your favourite food? Breakfast ist he most important oft he day. always drink my tea with milk and . love like Smarties and M&Ms. are you going for your holiday? Can you the ball to me? is your favourite singer? My favourite time oft he year is when the flowers begin to grow and the weather becomes warm. Mask, meal, meet, moon, New Years Day, New Years Eve, paint, sell, sausage, spring, sugar, sweets, throw, wave, what, when, where, who, why Please translate. autumn bakery bread cake cook costume dance date decorate dessert festival fireworks flag food good luck how mask meal meat moon paint sell spring sweets throw wave what when where who why