Arbeitsblatt: If/when


Ein Arbeitsblatt zu if/when.
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Luftlarsa_Cargo (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

E: If/when If/when You use if, when it isnt save, that an event will happen in the future. You use when, when its quite save, that an event will happen in the future. 1. Link the phrases with line. If go to Singapore, When have good mark, When the train is fool, we If you love someone, you have to If its raining you have to When you forget your homework, When Saluna celebrate her birthday-party, If you are sick, you have to take the next one. open your umbrella must buy present for her. celebrate it! be nice to the person. want see the garden by the bay. mustnt go school. you get negative item. And now, write the complete sentences in your notebook. 2. Complete the sentences for you. a) If the aircraft crashed, b) When the school is over, c) When you shoot film, d) When you forgot your homework, e) If missed the train, f) If meet her,