Arbeitsblatt: LK The house


New World 2 p.38,39
6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Mathilde Hildbrand
Mätzistrasse 12
3945 Gampel

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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EXERCISE 1 Fülle die Tabelle aus. eine Schiffsrundfahrt machen Golf spielen Ski fahren hiking do guided tours riding segeln Velo fahren snorkeling schwimmen klettern schlitten fahren/rodeln do sightseeing tours ein Picknick machen laufen EXERCISE 2 Bilde das «simple past» dieser Verben. Achte auf die richtige Schreibung! love watch explain start dance work stop stay kidnap play listen live EXERCISE 3 Schreibe die Verben in den Klammern im «simple past». 1. My brother (be) mad at me today. 2. Peters english skills (become) better and better every day. 3. Yesterday school .(begin) earlier than expected. 4. (do) my homework after lunch. 5. Marvin (choose) happy meal at Mc Donalds. 6. Tim.(swim) for two hours in the lake. 7. Last year he finally .(speak) to his lover. 8. Suddenly the people stood up and .(go) away. 9. My mother (take) away my book until finished my homework. 10.The pupil .(write) story about dog and his animal friends. EXERCISE 4 Setze die passenden Verben im «simple past» ein. do play go be watch eat listen work a) When Mandy got home, shedinner, her homework and to bed. b) The kids football in the park. c) When a child, ma parents at restaurant. d) Last night ------------------------------------------a film on TV and my sitser .to music in his room. EXERCISE 5 Setze die Verben im «going -to-future» ein. a) We.(be) late! b) Itrain. c) They.(fall) asleep in no time. d) They (win) the match. e) She (finish) reading it. f) He .(get) hurt. EXERCISE 6 Welche Sätze passen zusammen? Je ein Satz aus EXERCISE 5 passt zu einem der untenstehenden Sätzen. Schreibe unten die Buchstaben zum richtigen Satz dazu. 1. Look at the clouds. 2. Our team is much better than other teams, and they have practiced harder 3. Jeff and his brother worked hard all day 4. Sarah thinks this book is really interesting. 5. We have missed the last bus. 6. The boy is riding his bike without helmet