Arbeitsblatt: Englisch mixed tenses


Kleine Aufgabe mit gemischten Zeitformen im Englischen. MIxed tenses. Benutzte Zeitformen: present simple, past simple, present progressif, present perfect, future ( will, going to)
1 Seiten




Lana Mordi
Land: andere Länder
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. My friend Jane to see, never) rainbow in her life. This is why she (to watch, always) the sky when it (to rain) in summer. (to remember), that (to observe) very beautiful natural scene with my sister when we (to be) younger. 2. \(You, to go out, ever) with the man who (to work) in the office next to mine?\ \No, (not, to like) him, Susan and (to cry) tears of happiness yesterday because Mary (to tell) us that he (to quit) his job next month.\ 3. \James, (to need) to talk to your parents.\ \Sorry, sir, but they (to reply) to very important letter right now. They (to call) you back soon.\ 4. Philip (to take, just) the bus to go to town. Thank God it (to stop) raining five minutes ago. 5. Last night show (to be) wonderful. The spectators (to clap) their hands for long time. This morning, the newspaper (to say) that the artist (to return) to Luxembourg in about five months time. 6. That castle (to stand) on this hill for 400 years. The French (to build) it, but now it (to belong) to rich German family. 7. \Daddy, (there, to be) animals on Mars?\ -\ (not to know) son, but your mother and (to see) very interesting TV programme not very long ago about life in space.\ 8. \(You, to finish, already) your homework?\ -\Yes, Sue\. -\What (you, to do) now?\ -\I (to watch) TV and soon my parents (to take) me to the Belle Etoile.\ 9. Mrs Smith (not to understand) why young people (to like) listening to rap music. She (to believe) that there (not to be) such horrible musical genre since the days of punk. 10. \Hi Jack. (You to enjoy) last week holiday?\ -\ No, my neighbours (to annoy) me all the time.\ 11. Mary (to start) working as secretary few months ago, and (to make, already) lot of new friends. She even (to meet) \the man of her life\ at party six weeks ago. 12. My younger brother (can, not) come outside now because he (to do) his homework. His marks (to be) bad recently, ever since my parents (to give) him that Playstation for his birthday. He (to phone) you bit later. 13. This book (not to make) any sense: it (not to have) logical ending and its characters (not to be) interesting at all. 14. \(You, to see, ever) this movie before?\ -\Yes (to go) to see it at the cinema when (to be) younger, but (not to see) it since then.\