Arbeitsblatt: Test Past Simple vs Past Progressive


Short test about the use of the Past Simple and the Past Progressive tense.
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Philipp Troicher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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NAME: ENGLISH TEST PAST TENSES (1) a) Choose which verb tense fits better. Circle your choice. (8) I didnt hear you come in. was sleeping b) slept to see her, but she wasnt at home. was wanting c) What I was watching TV. did you do d) wanted were you doing Robin Hood was character who from the rich and gave to the poor. was stealing e) stole Fiona home very late last night. came f) was coming good time in the USA? Oh yes, it was awesome! Were you having Did you have g) We breakfast when our mother walked into the room. were having had h) Last month decided to buy car and today finally it. bought was buying (1) Each of these sentences has one mistake in it. Underline and correct them. (5) a) It was peaceful and the birds were sing. b) washed my hair when heard the doorbell. c) You came not to the cinema last night. d) was chatting when you were listening to music. e) Where bought you that jacket? (1) Past continuous or simple? Fill in the correct forms. (21) a) She (go) (take) out to her school, books and (start) to read. b) While Tom (play) the piano, his mother (read) magazine. c) He (drink) some juice and then he (eat) few chips. d) When (walk) home, suddenly (see) an accident. e) Dave (carry) heavy suitcase, when it (fall) on his foot. f) Sue‘s leg (begin) to hurt (wehtun), when she (jog) in the forest. g) Ken (cut) the salad, while Tom (cook) the sauce for the steaks. h) First he (show) me his photos, then we (play) Nintendo Switch. i) She (hear) police car, when she (work) on her computer. j) It was fine day. The sun (shine), and light wind (blow) from the southwest. Hey, that Shut up, really an easy test! bigmouth! Total number of points: /34