Arbeitsblatt: Someone to Lava


Hörverstehen-Arbeitsblatt zum Pixar-Kurzfilm "Someone to Lava". Für diese Aktivität wird der Kurzfilm "Someone to Lava" benötigt. Er ist auf der DVD des Films "Inside Out" zu finden (oder im Internet als Piratendownload). In den Teachers notes (Zusatzmaterial) finden sich Überlegungen zum Ablauf der Aktivität. Zielzeit: ca. 30-45 Minuten
Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Simon Niethammer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Someone to Lava Task 1: Watch the following video and answer these questions: What the video all about? Love and loneliness Holiday on beach Animals on an island Why cant the male volcano sing his song any more when the lovely volcano has appeared? he is too shy he has no more lava it makes no sense, she wouldnt hear it anyhow The volcano was sitting high above his bay, watching What exactly was he watching? .all the couples play .tourists on their holiday stay .a lonely cloud on its way What is the volcano hope desire? The video is about word play: Which word(s) is played with, why do you think it funny? Now listen to the video again. Afterwards youll do the following tasks: 1. What animals do you see in the video? All animals in the video appear in pairs. Discuss what the reason is for this. 2. Well shortly discuss in class afterwards. 3. The volcano has high hopes. Do you also have dream you hope will come true? Tell your partner about it. If your dream is too personal to tell, make one up (this means: invent one). You could tell your partner something about the following points: 1. What dream do you have 2. Why do you hope for it 3. Do you think it will come true? 4. What will you do if it comes true? 4. Report to the whole class what your partner told you about his dreams. listening activity – Lava – teachers notes The used film is pre-movie of the animation film Inside Out. You can find the video (in good quality) on the DVD of the movie Inside out (by Disney Pixar). If you search for pixar lava you should find it on the internet. However, found it under the following link: As the film is copyright protected, it depends on what country you live in and what purpose you intend to use the film. The author explicitly refuses any legal responsibility. Teachers notes: The listening aims to less confident pupils, had 2nd grade in mind. Here is what to do: Pre-listening 1: let the pupils read through the questions in task 1. While-listening 1: let the pupils answer the questions The video shouldnt be too difficult. However, if really necessary you could play it twice. post-listening 1: let the pupils discuss their answers in pairs, then check in class. pre-listening 2: explain what they have to do on task 2. Tell them to take notes, if they want need while-listening: Pupils shall take notes about the animals they see. They should get: whales birds turtles dolphins post-istening 2: Well it written on the pupil worksheet. possible language focus: wish I hope would suit very good to this task.