Arbeitsblatt: How much how many


YW4 Unit 1
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Gabriella Caldeira
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Preparation for the test Unit 1 Schreiben zu den Fragen die richtigen Antworten auf. Achte dabei darauf, dass du much und many richtig einsetzt. a) We eat lot of bananas. would say one kilo of apples. b) We drink lot of water. We all love water, even our dog! c) We buy about five different frozen things week. d) We buy about two or three frozen pizzas week. e) Oh thats good question. We definitely eat plenty of chocolate! f) We buy about ten bars of chocolate each week. g) guess its about two kilos of meat, mostly pork and ham. h) would say we buy about two packets of crisps each week. i) Oh, thats hard to tell. think we buy about ten bottles of orange juice. j) We eat loaf of bread each day. k) We eat loaf of bread day. l)_ It costs 7 $. m) We get five books. n) There are 25 pupils in the class of Mr Gibbs. o)_ have lot of homework. p) need 20 for the cinema. q) have two sisters. r) They drink lot of coffee per day. Entscheide, ob du how much oder how many verwenden musst. Achte darauf, ob du das Nomen zählen kannst oder nicht. 1.How stars are there in the sky? 2.How people live on islands? 3.How birds are there? 4.How water is in the ocean? 5.How money is in bank? 6.How countries are there in the world? 7.How bread is eaten per day? 8.How bones are there in the human body? 9.How sand is in the deserts? 10. How information is on the internet? Key 1. Setze „How much und „How many richtig ein. a) How many b) How much c) How much d) How many e) How much f) How many g) How much h) How many i) How much j) How much k) How many