Arbeitsblatt: Have got


negative and positive sentences and questions with have got
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Karin Städler
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Have got/ has got, havent got/hasnt got Complete the following table. positive you he negative negative question Ive got shirt. Youve got coat. He hasnt got scooter. she Has she got boat? we you positive question Havent we got milk? You havent got dog. they Have got/ has got, havent got/hasnt got Havent they got friends? Solution Complete the following sentences. positive you he she we you they negative positive question negative question Ive got shirt. havent got shirt. Have got shirt? Havent got shirt? Youve got coat. You havent got coat. Have you got coat? Havent you got coat? Hes got scooter. He hasnt got scooter. Has he got scooter? Hasnt he got scooter? Shes got boat. She hasnt got boat. Has she got boat? Hasnt she got boat? Weve got milk. We havent got milk. Have we got milk? Youve got dog. You havent got dog. Have you got dog? Theyve got friends. They havent got friends. Have they got friends? Havent we got milk? Havent you got dog? Havent they got friends?