Arbeitsblatt: YW 3 u 1 schools around the world


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4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Ernst Meier
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Worksheet Schools around the world Name: Task Look at the buildings and the text and fill in the proper letters. Blueberry Hill School Blueberry Hill School has two main buildings. When you enter building you walk directly into the reception (R). The next room on the left is the staff room (S). On the far left ist the headmaster office (H). On the first floor there is computer room (Co) on the left. And on the right there is room for music (M). In building you enter into the assembly hall (AH). There are toilets (T) on the right. And classroom (Cl) on the left. On the first floor there are three classrooms (Cl) and toilet (T). Aug. 2019 additional material to Young World 3 unit 1 Aug. 2019 additional material to Young World 3 unit 1