Arbeitsblatt: Homework school supplies


Hausaufgaben für die unit 0
3. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Tini (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English YW 0 Lets have fun! Lets get ready! My name is: Tasks: colou whit rs: yello oran red ge pink blue gree wei grey blac numb zero one two three four five ers: 0-6 sir wa tu sri for ou 7-13 seve sä 14-20 wen eigh feif nine ten nei fourt fivet sixt een een een fort in fifti six tin elev en twel ve six thirt een sört tän äit six iläwen twälf in seven eigh ninet twen teen teen een ty sew entin äiti nei ntin twä nti school things: look at page 4 in your pupils book and your activity book Everyday homework: Day of time in the week minutes Tuesday Wednesda done pupil checked Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Learn the numbers 0-20 (lörn dä nambers) 1) In our classroom the pupil in auer klaasruum) dä piupl) the pupils the teacher dä titschr) the door the window the blackboard bläkbod) the desk chair tschär) däsg) windou) the Wednesda Learn the classroom words 1 Search the classroom words 1 them down write 3x c f n b w g x l i k l a n z t c d c e k o h a b verkehrt slipup ksed draobkcalb rood rehcaet riahc wodniw moorssalc lipup w a c o r i h a h r e r g o r d richtig Thursday Friday Revise the numbers (wiederhole die Zahlen von 1-20) Learn the colours 2) Some colours verkehrt der wolley kcalb eulb egnaro etihw neerg knip richtig yerg Saturday Sunday Monday Freizeit sparetime sparetime s-pärteim) Revise numbers, colours and classroom words 1 five yellows eight ange s fourteen blues two green s seven grey s one pink six red s three blacks Draw zeichne eine, einen teache desk chair pupil door desk windo blackboa English YW 0 Lets have fun! Lets get ready! Week 2 School supplies Vocabulary picture spelling ruler notebook pencil book eraser pronounciatio rulä noutbuk pänzl buk äräisä schoolbag skuulbääg highlighter heileitä pencilcase penzlkäis glue sharpener colour pencils scissors gluu schapenä colr penzls sisrs Everyday homework: Day of the time in week minutes Tuesday done pupil checked Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday schau benenne verbinde 1) Match the word to the picture verbinde Wort und Bild 1 eraser 2 book 3 scissors 4 notebook pencil case 5 6 7 g colour pencils ruler 8 pencil 9 schoolbag 10 glue 11 highlighter sharpener 12 Wednesday Beschrifte und benenne die Schulsachen