Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary


Lk Wordlist New World 3
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Brigitte Sutter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Vocabulary NW3 Unit 1 Name: Points: Mark: Translate (übersetze) the German word into English and put (setze) it in the right gap (Lücke) 10 Küste/ gehören/sich schützen Wurst/ Hauptstadt/ Brunnen/ beliebt/ rau/ Land/ Ehre/ 1. The of Scotland is Edinburgh. 2. You cant drink water from this. 3. This dog to my sister. 4. Its an to see you. 5. Football is the most sport. 6. Scotland has very long. 7. Eating isnt very healty. 8. In Scotland the weather is sometimes very 9. Tomorrow well go on trip to the . 10. In summer you should from the sun. Translate the sentences into English. /10 1. Die Schlösser sind nicht riesig. /3 2. Der Gärtner macht einen Schuppen für seinen Hund. /4 3. 4 haben einen Dudelsack. /3 The verb to be Complete with the correct form. 1. Scottish, Im Swiss. 2. Our eyes blue. Theyre brown. 3. you okay? 4. his brother tall? /6 5. Peter good student. Hes bad one. 6. these exercises difficult?