Arbeitsblatt: Lernzielkontrolle NW4 U1


Lernzielkontrolle,class vocabulary
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Christine Schürch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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name: NW 4 U1 Class vocabulary 1 September 12, 2019 Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 2 3 4 5 6 english Good luck! üben chorus Schlagzeug flute bass Rhythmus /3 Write the correct English word into the gape. 1) love the of this song. 2) Today she reads the new music . 3) The has six strings. 4) My friend like music. 5) Since five years 6) Music can affect my Kritik Melodie klassische Laune Gitarre ein Instrument spielen /6 Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. This song stays in the charts for long time. 2. listen to music because its distract me. 3. Henry spielt nie Cello. 4. Magst du den Takt? Remember that, please. 8. Klasse, Die dritte Person Singular hat am Schluss des Verbs einen „s. Schule Bowil the string sie Saite since seit never nie /8 name: NW 4 U1 Class vocabulary 1 September 12, 2019 Translate the words and the phrases. 1 2 3 4 5 6 german english üben Refrain Schlagzeug Flöte Bass Rhythmus exercise chorus drums flute bass rhythm Good luck! /3 Write the correct English word into the gape. review 1. love the melody of this song. melody 2. Today she reads the new music review. classical 3. The guitar has six strings. mood 4. My friend like classical music. guitar 5. Since five years play an instrument play an 6. Music can affect my mood. instrument /6 Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. This song stays in the charts for long. Dieses Lied blieb lange in den Charts. 2. listen to music because its distract me. Ich höre Musik, weil es mich ablenkt. 3. Henry spielt nie Cello. Henry never plays the cello. 4. Magst du den Takt? Do you like the beat? /8 8. Klasse, Schule Bowil Die dritte Person Singular hat am Schluss des Verbs einen „s. Remember that, please. the string sie Saite since seit never nie 8. Klasse, Schule Bowil