Arbeitsblatt: YW 4 / Unit 1 countable/uncountable


Übungsblatt countable/uncountable
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Sabine Sastre
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Young World 4 Unit 1 The way we live 1. countable/uncountable Schreibe „many oder „much in die Lücken. How bars of chocolate do we need for the cake? How wine are the adults going to drink? How butter do we need for the sauce? How burgers do you want to prepare? How rice do we need for the Paella? How cherries do you want to put on the top of the cake? How meat does the dog eat? How rice do we need for the paella? How grapes do you want for decoration? How juice do you want to buy for the children? 2. countable/uncountable Schreibe zu den Antworten die passende Frage. Achte auf „many oder „much. I eat about 4 eggs week. We buy 1 litre of milk every day. I need 500 grams of cheese for the Raclette. I would like to have 2 pancakes. We need 1 kilo of flour for this cake. There live 5 cats at my neighbours house. SMi