Arbeitsblatt: British Traditions


Typische Eigenheiten der britischen Kultur selbständig kennen lernen.
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9. Schuljahr
15 Seiten




hippo (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Typically British! Watch the different parts of the video and try to work through all activities: eeasy average demanding 09:08 A) Fish and chips Woraus besteht Fish and Chips? B) Union Jack Welche Länder sind in der Flagge vorhanden. Wie heissen die verschiedenen Kreuze? C) Big Ben Schreibe auf Deutsch auf, was dir über den Big Ben erklärt wird. D) English breakfast Draw the English breakfast on the plate and label the parts of the meal (English). E) Pounds Notiere oder zeichne alle Noten und Münzen F) Letter box Whats on the stamp? Whats the meaning of the ER on the letter box? Explain. What has the post officer to do after he opened the box? Why? G) Rugby Write at least three sentences about Rugby. Dont copy the speech. H) River Thames Was sagt er über die Schwäne? I) Telephone box Describe what David does. Use different verbs. Transform your sentences into the past. J) Tower of London Finde die Bedeutung dieser Wörter: landmark, fortress, prison, executed, ghosts, K) London underground Why is the London underground also called tube? How many stations are there? Which underground system is the biggest? On how many kilometers of track runs the underground? L) Double decker Draw double decker bus and label what you have understood about it. M) School uniform Describe the school uniform as precisely as possible. Write sentences. Popular Traditions in England Traditions in England have been around for centuries. British traditions are famous worldwide. When one thinks of Britain, you imagine people drinking tea, wearing bowler hats and gorging on fish and chips. Sports, food and music, are tightly knit traditions in Britain. Guy Fawkes Night Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the 5th of November each year. Guy Fawkes was the mastermind of the Gun Powder Plot in 1605, which failed when he attempted to destroy the House of Parliament. These night traditions celebrated famously in East Sussex, and Lewes commemorates this fail by having firework displays, bonfires, torch-lit processions and pagan rituals. Celebration of the Guy Fawkes Night, England Daylight Savings Time It is tradition observed by England. Clocks are moved back one hour and takes place one week ahead of daylight savings time in America. Daylight Savings Time in England Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day If America is famous for its Mardi Gras, England is known for Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday takes place before the start of Lent and is celebrated by Christians across the country by making pancakes. Pancakes are similar to crêpes in England accompanied by golden syrup, sugar or lemon. Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day in England Christmas Christmas celebrated on 25th December is big holiday for the British people. The season is lovely, and since Thanksgiving is not an occasion for celebration in England, Christmas comes early for the British people. Nativity plays and carols are traditional along with City centres everywhere decorated with Christmas trees. The most famous Christmas tree can be found lit in all its glory at Trafalgar Square in London. Santa Claus is called Father Christmas and will appear in the night, on Christmas Eve. Traditional food left for Father Christmas includes mince pies and sherry or brandy. Christmas lunch or dinner served on Christmas Day consists of roast turkey, baked potatoes, carrots, parsnip, mini sausages, Brussels sprouts and Yorkshire pudding. Christmas crackers are another tradition with each guest or family member receiving one. Christmas in England Boxing Day Boxing Day is the day after Christmas and almost like an extension of the main holiday. People spend time with their families and loved ones, as many are tired or off from work. Typical traditions include watching sports, playing games, hunting, going for walks and eating Christmas leftovers. People also love to shop on Boxing Day. Boxing Day in England New Years Eve The largest celebration of fireworks explodes at midnight over the London Eye. Big Ben chimes and rings in the New Year and British people sing Auld Lang Syne. Crowds gather at Trafalgar Square or Piccadilly Circus. New Years Eve in England Poppy Day or Remembrance Day Remembrance Day pays homage to the men and women who died during World War and World War II. It is commemoration held in November with people wearing red poppies. Poppy Day in England English 1. worldwide 2. bowler 3. to gorge German 4. to knit 5. mastermind 6. to commemorate 7. firework 8. bonfire 9. torch-lit 10. pagan 11. Shrove Tuesday 12. to lent 13. pancake 14. crêpe 15. to accompany 16. syrup 17. an occasion 18. poppies 19. leftovers 20. to gather 21. parsnip 22. to attempt 23. failed Vocabulary: Popular English Traditions Popular English Traditions Task 1) Read the different articles. Task 2) Match these German sentences to the traditions. . . Hackfleischpastete wird an diesem Tag für einen wichtigen Vertreter dieser Tradition aufgehoben. Diese Tradition markiert den Beginn der Fastenzeit. . . . . . Diese Tradition findet eine Woche vor der eigentlichen Umstellung statt. Der Held dieser Tradition versuchte das Regierungsgebäude zu zerstören. Um gefallenen Soldaten zu gedenken, tragen die Engländer Mohnblumen. An diesem Anlass läutet der Big Ben. Dieser traditionelle Tag schliesst an einen Feiertag an. Task 3) Match the pictures to the texts: Popular Traditions in England Traditions in England have been around for centuries. British traditions are famous worldwide. When one thinks of Britain, you imagine people drinking tea, wearing bowler hats and gorging on fish and chips. Sports, food and music, are tightly knit traditions in Britain. A) Guy Fawkes Night Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the 5th of November each year. Guy Fawkes was the mastermind of the Gun Powder Plot in 1605, which failed when he attempted to destroy the House of Parliament. These night traditions celebrated famously in East Sussex, and Lewes commemorates this fail by having firework displays, bonfires, torch-lit processions and pagan rituals. B) Daylight Savings Time It is tradition observed by England. Clocks are moved back one hour and takes place one week ahead of daylight savings time in America. C) Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day If America is famous for its Mardi Gras, England is known for Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday takes place before the start of Lent and is celebrated by Christians across the country by making pancakes. Pancakes are similar to crepes in England accompanied by golden syrup, sugar or lemon. D) Christmas Christmas celebrated on 25th December is big holiday for the British people. The season is lovely, and since Thanksgiving is not an occasion for celebration in England, Christmas comes early for the British people. Nativity plays and carols are traditional along with City centres everywhere decorated with Christmas trees. The most famous Christmas tree can be found lit in all its glory at Trafalgar Square in London. Santa Claus is called Father Christmas and will appear in the night, on Christmas Eve. Traditional food left for Father Christmas includes mince pies and sherry or brandy. Christmas lunch or dinner served on Christmas Day consists of roast turkey, baked potatoes, carrots, parsnip, mini sausages, Brussels sprouts and Yorkshire pudding. Christmas crackers are another tradition with each guest or family member receiving one. E) Boxing Day Boxing Day is the day after Christmas and almost like an extension of the main holiday. People spent time with their families and loved ones, as many are tired or off from work. Typical traditions include watching sports, playing games, hunting, going for walks and eating Christmas leftovers. People also love to shop on Boxing Day. F) New Years Eve The largest celebration of fireworks explodes at midnight over the London Eye. Big Ben chimes and rings in the New Year and British people sing Auld Lang Syne. Crowds gather at Trafalgar Square or Piccadilly Circus. G) Poppy Day or Remembrance Day Remembrance Day pays homage to the men and women who died during World War and World War II. It is commemoration held in November with people wearing red poppies. Task 4) Fill in the vocabulary list. Task 5) Choose an English-speaking country from the map. Do some research about the most popular traditions (three to five). Prepare presentation including following contents: main information about the country (inhabitants, different races, national language, official language, ) traditions (when and where, significance, how, ) A4 worksheet for the class (wordlist, tasks, main information) Presentation: Traditions in English-speaking countries Criteria: sehr gut gut genügend ungenügend mangelhaft Spricht viel, frei Spricht kaum, liest ab Wortschatz abwechslungsreich, treffend, Inhalt passend und aussagekräftig Wortschatz einfach, unpassend Inhalt unpassend mit wenig Aussage Aussprache fehlerhaft Aussprache korrekt Erreichte Punkte name: 20 P. grade: