Arbeitsblatt: Englisch authentic material


kurzer Film über einen Vogel, der die Sprache einer anderen Tierart lernt, um ihr das Futter abzujagen. Skills: Speaking, listening, writing
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Christina Peege
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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The Drongo is the Kalaharis greatest trickster. The Kalahari Desert Danger over. And now, he has their trust (Vertrauen). He sounds another warning. But this time, it is false alarm. And these are his victims. family of meerkats. Desert specialists. Thank you very much. The meerkats fell for it. (Die Erdmännchen fielen darauf herein) This all seems too easy. He seems to try the trick again. But the meerkats arent stupid. They only fall for it ( hereinfallen) once. The juicy (saftig) scorpion wont be for him. Then suddenly the sound of sentrys warning. sentry ein Wächter After warming up in the morning sun the meerkats begin their search for breakfast. The Drongo now can begin his tricks. But he must first win the confidence (Vertrauen) of his victims. He spots an eagle (Adler) on the hunt (auf der Jagd) and sounds warning. No meerkat can ignore that. Sentries arent lying but the sentry sees no danger! Guess, who? Of course, its the Drongo. He has learnt to mimic the meerkats own warning call. (Mimic nachahmen) And now he can enjoy his prize. gang of meerkats outsmarted by bird. That urges the meerkats to hurry to safety (Sicherheit). How is the relationship between the Drongo and the Meerkats? o Friendly They are enemies Not good, the Drongo outsmarts the Meerkats The Drongo fights with the Meerkats o Right Wrong The Drongo spots lion on the hunt (on the hunt auf der Jagd) o Right Wrong The Drongo gets the Meerkats trust because the bird sounds warning when he spots an eagle on the hunt o Right Wrong The Drongo always sounds warning when there is an eagle on the hunt of Meerkats o Right Wrong The Meerkats are stupid and dont learn from their faults (Fehler). o Right Wrong The Meerkats always fall into the tricks of the Drongo o Right Wrong The Drongo only knows his own language o Right Wrong Explain why the Drongo is good actor: Lösungsblatt How is the relationship between the Drongo and the Meerkats? o Friendly They are enemies Not good, the Drongo outsmarts the Meerkats The Drongo fights with the Meerkats o Right Wrong The Drongo spots lion on the hunt (on the hunt auf der Jagd) o Right Wrong The Drongo gets the Meerkats trust because the bird sounds warning when he spots an eagle on the hunt o Right Wrong The Drongo always sounds warning when there is an eagle on the hunt of Meerkats o Right Wrong The Meerkats are stupid and dont learn from their faults (Fehler). o Right Wrong The Meerkats always fall into the tricks of the Drongo o Right Wrong The Drongo only knows his own language o Right Wrong Explain why the Drongo is good actor: He is good actor because he can mimic the warning sound of the meerkats sentry. The meerkats are not smart enough and fall for the trick.