Arbeitsblatt: YW 1 Unit 1 Lernkontrolle


Lernkontrolle Young World 1
4. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Datum: Name: English-test unit 1 you and me 1. Listen carefully! Which language do they speak? 4 (Hör zu. Welche Sprache sprechen sie?) 2. Berto speaks Swiss German Julie speaks Romantsch Tom speaks Italian Sina speaks French Vocabulary a) Complete the crossword puzzle. (Löse das Kreuzworträtsel.) 5 father flag country family map mother cat rabbit grandfather live parents do dog aunt grandparents his fathe language grandmother fish 1 2 7 3 5 7 4 4 3 8 2 5 grandfath er 8 6 9 9 10 1 6 10 b) Find the odd one. (Welches passt nicht dazu?) 3 French New York Mum green his mother 3. Italian New Delhi Dad grey dog grandma Hindi Paris Mummy yellow you sister English Switzerland Grandma blue her aunt language Zurich Daddy pink mum German Vancouver Mother red my brother Xhosa London Father chair this granny English in the world a) Name the countries to which these flags belong. 3 (Schreibe die Länder auf, zu denen diese Flaggen gehören!) b) Colour the countries on the map. (Male die Länder auf der Karte aus.) 4 Afzal lives in South Africa. His country is yellow. David lives in Canada. Canada is red. India is blue. Shanoo lives in India. Sue is from Australia. Her country is green. c) Write these four words into the boxes: north, west, south, east 2 (Schreibe diese vier Wörter in die Kästchen rund um die Karte.) 4. About yourself a) Complete your passport. (Vervollständige deinen Pass.) 6 My name is Im girl Im boy Im from live in speak My mothers name is My s name is have 0 1 2 3 sister(s). Their names are,, I have 0 1 2 3 brother(s). Their names are,, I 8 9 10 years old. My favourite colour is Du hast Punkte von maximal 27 Punkten. Vorlesetext Aufgabe 1 Hello. My name is Berto. Im from Lugano. Thats in the south of Switzerland. like spaghetti and Im football fan. Hi. My name is Julie. live in Geneva. Thats in the west of Switzerland. like fondue. My brothers name is Jerôme. Hello. Im Tom. Im from Zug. Thats in the middle of Switzerland. We have cows and dog on our farm. like chocolate. Good morning. My name is Sina. live in Chur. Thats in the east of Switzerland. like skiing.