Arbeitsblatt: Lernzielkontrolle NW4 U2


Lernzielkontrolle NW4 U2, 1. Teil des Wortschates
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Christine Schürch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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name: NW 4 U2 Class vocabulary 1 December 09, 2019 Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 2 3 4 5 6 english Good luck! multikulturell portrait China Canadian Poland neighbourhood /3 home Write the correct English word into the gape. feel at home 1) Do you in your own country? recognize gemischt 2) The of Germany and Russia are quite similar. flagg 3) Its late, Im going. 4) My grandma belongs to another . generation 5) We have class, there are girls and boys. 6) Do you the difference between an Irish and an American? /6 Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. What are the disadvantages of living in small town? 2. Do you know many people in your community? 3. Dieses Hotel ist ein Treffpunkt für Studenten. 4. Sag mir drei Vorteile unserer Schule. 8. Klasse, Schule Bowil Remember that, please. Die dritte Person Singular hat am Schluss des Verbs einen „s. belongs dazugehören students Studenten /8 name: NW 4 U2 Class vocabulary 1 December 09, 2019 Translate the words and the phrases. 1 2 3 4 5 6 german english multikulturell Porträt China kanadisch Polen Nachbarschaft multicultural portrait China Canadian Poland neighbourhood Good luck! /3 Write the correct English word into the gape. 7) Do you feel home in your own country? 8) The flagg of Germany and Russia are quite similar. 9) Its late, Im going home. home feel at home recognize gemischt flagg 10) My grandma belongs to another generation. 11) We have mixed class, there are girls and boys. 12) Do you recognise the difference between an Irish and an American? generation /6 Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. What are the disadvantages of living in small town? Welche Nachteile hat das Leben in einer Kleinstadt? 2. Do you know many people in your community? Kennst du viele Menschen in deiner Gemeinschaft/Gemeinde? 3. Dieses Hotel ist ein Treffpunkt für Studenten. This hotel is meeting place for students. 8. Klasse, Schule Bowil 4. Sag mir drei Vorteile unserer Schule. Tell me three advantages of our school. /8 Remember that, please. Die dritte Person Singular hat am Schluss des Verbs einen „s. belongs dazugehören students Studenten 8. Klasse, Schule Bowil