Arbeitsblatt: YW4 Unit 2 Vocabulary part one


6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Jasmin Müller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English test: Unit 1 – Vocabulary part one name:_ date: points: / 15 p. mark:_ 1. Fill in the missing word in English to complete the sentences. Bellow you have all the words you need in German. Attention: The information must be correct! / 12 p. a) The flies from the Arctic on the North Pole to the Antarctic on the South Pole. It covers in one year of about 35000 kilometers. Its is only about 300 grams. b) live in the tropical and subtropical all over the world. They_on small island called Ascension Island. c) Theis famous for its migration. The is large and beautiful and has up to 9 months. d) Like other animals, the lives in the north in the Arctic Sea where it spends its time Plankton and small fish. It is one of the biggest mammals on earth; its is between 13 and 15 meters. Monarchfalter Grüne Lebenserwartung Grösse Sich ernähren von Meeresschildkröte Schmetterling Küstenseeschwalb Strecke Gewicht Grauwal Meer Legen ihre Eier