Arbeitsblatt: Karteikarten U1 NW2


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8. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Erni Livia
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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My sister likes reading music. Kritik (Flim-/Musik-) Besprechung never without listening to music. trainieren This song wont stay in the for long. listen to music because it me. Charts ablenken just love the m_ of this song. Does music really affect your? Melodie Laune, Stimmung He plays the in our band. Can you sing or ? This whole album has great. ein Instrument spielen Rhythmus Bassgitarre (Kontrabass) My friend plays the. This is great because everybody can sing along. Now listen to this – do you like the? Takt Cello Refrain Which instruments are generally used in music? The are an important part of rock music. klassisch Schlagzeug The is my favourite instrument. Look at that guy with the long hair playing the! How important do you think the are? Keyboard Liedtext Gitarre dont think sounds very exciting. Flöte Her boyfriend is. Musiker/-in She plays her instrument with great. Leidenschaft The lyrics of this song are quite. leidenschaftlich She plays the every day. You can hear the lot in jazz music. The played the keyboard, too. Klavier Saxofon Sänger/-in Where is the in this word? must say, the sounded very loud. know this t_. Whats the name of the song? Trompete Melodie Would you like to play the? He is rock singer with voice. Hes guitar player. Violine, Geige ausserordentlich fantastisch Her album is simply brilliant. Can you this album? People will always love this music. letzte, neuste empfehlen zeitlos Some old melodies remain through the years. It is to hear guitar in classical music. Did you hear the? modisch, modern ungewöhnlich Betonung, Akzent Mitteilung, Ansage