Arbeitsblatt: Dossier Past Fomrs


Übung der Zeiten Past
5. Schuljahr
9 Seiten




Fabienne Habermacher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Dossier Past-tense and future form Name 1. Past forms 1: Put in the verbs from the box (present form) and use the simple past forms. The verbs are not in the right order, but there is some help in the text. can tell go start buy want make see have look run be 2. Past forms 2: Here are the answers to some questions about the picnic in Scotland. Can you find the questions? Write them down correct in the past and then write the number of the answer next to the question that fits best. Answers: 1. Sausages, eggs and orange juice. 3. Near lake. 5. Mrs Ticket started to laugh. 2. Yes, she did. 4. Because he was afraid. 6. Theyre making film. Questions: a) make sandwiches she does b) to laugh started who c) buy do Mrs Ticket what d) what Tony do tell Mrs Ticket to e) the picnic where do have they f) Tony why run away does Question: Number of answer: a) b) c) d) e) f) 3. Past forms 3: Tony Ticket wrote this letter to his girlfriend Peggy Popcorn, but he forgot the past forms of be in every sentence. Can you find them? Put them in. Hi Peggy, Last week, we in Edinburgh. Thats in Scotland. very happy to see nice beaches near the city. There girl and she very kind to me. in museum and we in castles as well. In Scotland there only one windy day, but there no toilets in the mountains. It terrible! The Scots always very friendly and funny. It really cool there! So dont worry about me! Bye for now, Tony 4. Past forms 4: Entscheide selbst aus deinem Kopf, welches Verb in der Vergangenheitsform (simple past) in die Lücke passen könnte. a. b. c. d. e. f. Steven the game. They tennis. Fanny Kemble in England. Yesterday, we to London for our holidays. We lot of things in the museum. In the past, lot of ships to the bottom of the sea. 5. Past forms 5: The sentences are all wrong. Make them right. Have look at the example. Example: / present: / past: / past: They watch video of Superman. No, they didnt watch video of Superman. They watched video of the old Celtic people of Scotland. a. big dog walks into the Tickets hotel room. No, it into the hotel room. It into the hotel room on Monday. b. Tony writes letter to Peggy. No, he letter to Peggy. He it on Wednesday. c. Mr Ticket plays tennis. No, tennis. on Friday. d. Tony and his new friend Pit are in the mountains. No,. They there on Sunday. 6. Write the past tense of the following verbs. Present Past Present look wear listen come Past play make 7. The verb to be. Complete the list. Present Past you he/she/it we you they 8. Find the verbs in the past simple and mark them. Bens Morning woke up this morning and was very hungry. ate big breakfast. My friend Joe waited for me outside my house and we walked to school. We talked about our homework. School started at 8.30 this morning. It was good morning – we listened to our teacher, practised lot for our maths exam and played football in the break. At 12 oclock we wandered back home and enjoyed big plate of my favourite food – loved it. 9. Write the correct forms of the verbs in the past simple. we buy we meet wash she knows we eat they sit you pay they listen cry You are 10. Write down four things you or your parents dont do every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 11. Fill in the gaps with the past simple forms. 1. You . your bag at home. (vergessen) 2. He . to the mountains. (gehen) 3. They . their homework. (machen) 4. to New York. (fliegen) 5. She . hot tea. (trinken) 12. Rewrite the sentences using the adverb in brackets. 1. He listens to the radio. (immer) 2. They read book. (manchmal) 3. Tom is very friendly. (meistens/gewöhnlich) 4. Do you watch TV in the afternoon? (oft) Future Form – going to 1.1. Zukünftige Handlungen sind geplant We are going to sing at the party. (Wir werden auf der Party singen.) 1.2. Logische Schlussfolgerungen für die Zukunft (Man sieht etwas kommen.) Look at that car! It is going to crash into the yellow one. (Sieh dir mal das Auto an! Es wird in das gelbe hineinfahren.) 4.1 Positive Sätze im going to-future Langform am going to play handball. You are going to play handball. He is going to play handball. Kurzform Im going to play handball. Youre going to play handball. He going to play handball. 4.2. Verneinte Sätze im going to-future Langform am not going to play handball. You are not going to play handball. He is not going to play handball. Kurzform Im not going to play handball. Youre not going to play handball. You arent going to play handball. He not going to play handball. He isnt going to play handball. 4.3. Fragen im going to-future Langform Am going to play handball? Are you going to play handball? Is he going to play handball? Kurzform nicht möglich Exercise fill the gaps with the right going to form. 1. He his friend. (to phone) 2. We new computer game. (to play) 3. My sister TV. (to watch) 4. You picnic next Tuesday. (to have) 5. Jane to the office. (to go) 6. They to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk) 7. His brother a letter to his uncle today. (to write) 8. She her aunt. (to visit) 9. .my homework after school. (to do) 10. Sophie and Nick their friends. (to meet) Go to the internetsite and make some more exercise: o going_to_future_aussagen.htm 80_going_to_future_tests.htm