Arbeitsblatt: Most common verbs in English


Häufige Verben im simple present. In der 1. Person Singular und in der 3. Person Singular. I, she, He.
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Rebecca Müller

Land: andere Länder
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Most common verbs in English Schreibe die Sätze in den 3. Person singular. Wechsle ab mit „he oder „she. Die gelben Markierungen weisen dich auf besondere Verbformen hin. Du kannst sie bei Reverso nachschlagen. be am young have have cat. do do good things. say say hello! get get new phone. make make coffee. go go to the supermarket. know know the story. take take cup of tea. see see the sky. come come to visit you. think think its good for you. look look back. want want ice cream. give give you present. use use computer. find find money. tell tell you story. ask ask you question. work work in Zurich. seem seem to be older than the others. He says hello! feel feel good. try try to ride bicycle. leave leave you alone. call call you later. Verben aus Quizlet: „Most common verbs in English, FZoelfl, 25 Karten