Arbeitsblatt: Racism


Powerpoint zur Unterrichtsreihe über Rassismus
Anderes Thema
3. Schuljahr
28 Seiten




Vania Cimino
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

• What do you see? • What kind of feelings does this picture evoke? • What do you think about it? 1. What do you see? 2. What kind of feelings does this picture evoke? 3. What do you think about it? • What do you see? What kind of feelings does this picture evoke? What do you think about it? 1. What do you see? 2. What kind of feelings does this picture evoke? 3. What do you think about it? 1. What do you see? 2. What kind of feelings does this picture evoke? 3. What do you think about it? Racism in today‘s world What is racism? 1. On your own, write down key words, that come to your mind when you hear the word racism. (example-situations, places, history, in your every-day-life, .) 2. When your teacher tells you so, stand up walk around and read the others post-it. • Do you understand, what they mean? If not, write it down. We will talk about it in class later. Racism Definition • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of different race based on the belief that one own race is superior. Reading Task • Inform yourself about the background of racism reading solving the worksheet your teacher gives you. • If you‘re done early, you can Listening • sSn6lFcc&featureemb_logo • Language support is on your worksheet. • What sparked the protests after the killing of George Floyd and why have they spread to other cities? • Floyds death was captured on video. The widely shared video shows images of Minneapolis police officer kneeling on Floyds neck. How do you think the reaction to Floyds death would be different if the incident hadnt been captured on video? • Councilwoman Andrea Jenkins describes the killing of Floyd as symbolic of deeper societal problems. She makes connection between his death and disproportionate health outcomes due to loosening of environmental regulations as well as the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on communities of color. What is your response? • Stories of violence and police brutality can be upsetting. If you are upset by this story, who is trusted adult you can speak with? If you are not sure, ask your teacher. • Media literacy: The footage of Floyd with knee on his neck may be difficult for viewers to watch and has been excluded from this video clip. Why do you think that decision was made? Do you think its important to show viewers violent footage like this? Why or why not? Write letter. Write letter to people involved in George Floyds dead. – politicians the girl who filmed the scene his family the cop kneeling on his neck. the cops helping him •What does that mean? •How does this relate to what is happening in the USA right now? Reading Research task • Group 1: create poster about Martin Luther King • the problem he adressed • his life • his greatest achievement • his strategy • Group 2: Create poster about Nelson Mandela • the problem he adressed • his life • his greatest achievement • his strategy • Group 3: create poster about Ghandi • the problem he adressed • his life • his greatest achievement • his strategy Am racist? Stereotype • stereotype: an exaggerated (übertrieben) belief, image or distorted (verdreht) truth about group or person—a generalization that allows for little or no individual differences or social variation. Stereotypes are based on images in mass media or reputations passed on by parents, peers and other members of society. Stereotypes can be positive or negative but are always harmful. Stereotypes • Write down stereotypes that you have encountered (on social media or school, or everday-life, etc. on sticky notes to these identity groups: • • • • • • • • African American/Black Asian European American/White Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino/Chicano Jewish Middle Eastern/Arab Native American Steorotypes • • Why were the responses so different? • Do you think the passersby were racist? Did they hold stereotypes? Implicit biases? • What would you have done? • • What were the passersby primed to see in the earlier video? So what‘s my call? *was ist meine Aufgabe? • sit in groups of 3 and create mindmap. Your goal is to find an action step for yourself now. • What can you do to stop racism? Diversity on screen • • Why do you think it is notable that Kodi won? • What do you think it means to people who share Kodis identity characteristics? • Why do you think its important that people like Kodi are visible to the general public?