Arbeitsblatt: New World 5 unit 1 AUSTRALIA


20 Fragen zum Einstieg ins Thema "Australien"
9. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Remo Siegenthaler
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Australia (Kahoot) 1) Australia is thelargest country in the world. 2) What is the name of the large island off the southern coast of Australia? 3) How many states are there in Australia? 4) Which of the following animals is native to Australia? Do you know the names? 5) What is the middle part of Australia called? 6) Native Australians are called. 7) What is didgeridoo? 8) What was the first non-native animal introduced into Australia? 9) What is the capital of Australia? 10) What is common nickname for Australians? 11) What is Australia also called? 12) What is the largest and the most populous city in Australia? 13) Which name do Aborigines give to the time of the creation? 14) Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? 15) When did the First Fleet of 11 ships with male prisoners arrive in Australia? 16) When does winter begin in Australia? 17) Which European flag can you recognize in the Australian flag? 18) What is the number of inhabitants in Australia? 19) Where do most Australians live? 20) The Aborigines used the boomerang as . LÖSUNGEN 21) Australia is the6thlargest country in the world. 22) What is the name of the large island off the southern coast of Australia? Tasmania 23) How many states are there in Australia? 6 24) Which of the following animals is native to Australia? Do you know the names? koala 25) What is the middle part of Australia called? Outback 26) Native Australians are called Aborigines. 27) What is didgeridoo? an aboriginal musical instrument 28) What was the first non-native animal introduced into Australia? dingo 29) What is the capital of Australia? Canberra 30) What is common nickname for Australians? Aussies 31) What is Australia also called? the Down Under land 32) What is the largest and the most populous city in Australia? Sydney 33) Which name do Aborigines give to the time of the creation? Dreamtime 34) Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? Queensland 35) When did the First Fleet of 11 ships with male prisoners arrive in Australia? 1788 36) When does winter begin in Australia? June 37) Which European flag can you recognize in the Australian flag? The Union Jack 38) What is the number of inhabitants in Australia? 20 million 39) Where do most Australians live? on the East Coast 40) The Aborigines used the boomerang as toy for their children to exercise for hunting.