Arbeitsblatt: The first climb of the Matterhorn


Arbeitsblatt zu WS 12 Unit 2 des Buches New World 2 Zu Sätzen im Präsens Past simple Sätze schreiben
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Bernarda Oggier
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Times Name: Datum: The first climb of the Matterhorn Write the past tense of the following phrases. In 18 Whymper arrives in Zermatt. He wants to be the first man to climb the Matterhorn. Together with team of six men he plans the climb. On day the get an early start. Grammatikalische Zeiten The same morning team of Italians starts to climb up the mountain from the south side. On day two they reach the top at 1.15 pm. They beat the Italian team. They leave bottle with their names at the top. Then the team begins the climb back down. Hadow is scared and tired. Englisch Oggier Bernarda Times Name: Datum: Suddenly he slips and falls. The rope tears. Four members of the team are killed. Use these verbs. Grammatikalische Zeiten slipped leaved got planed arrived – wanted – started – reached – beat – began – was – fell – tore were Englisch Oggier Bernarda