Arbeitsblatt: Slumdog Millionaire


weekly task and presentations for preintermediate students
Lesen / Literatur
10. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Peter Brühlmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Reading Literature Slumdog Millionaire Task and presentation Slumdog Millionaire We are going to read book together. Every student is going to read the whole book. After each chapter student or group is presenting chapter according to to-do-list. Each student/group is responsible to run their part of the lesson (appr. 7 minutes 1person/14 minutes 2p./20 minutes 3 p). The better you are prepared, the better your part will be in terms of not only giving information, but also keeping the audience alive. 1 Weekly tasks for all students Read the chapters thoroughly and summarise them. The vocabulary used in the book must be understood. Do the corresponding reading activities Be prepared for some questions about the content. 2 Presentation 7/14/20 Structure of presentation 1. Main characters places: Who are the (main) characters in this chapter? Name them and give short descriptions. What is new/has changed in some characters over the chapter? Setting (where are we?) 2. Plot in chronological order What happened in this chapter? Give detailed outline (hier: Kurzfassung) of the events (ca.2) – speak freely using only key words as notes pick at least 5 difficult words you want to explain. The words should somehow be important for the chapter. 3. Questions discussions What struck you most in this chapter? Pick passage from the chapter and present your arguments (e.g. interesting, funny, important, good description). Or you play scene, which you regard as important, comment why you have chosen it and make transfer to real life (reality) and tell the class the topic. You prepare 6 questions (3 closed questions and 3 open questions) which are discussed in class, you hand in these questions and answers to the teacher before the lesson starts. (You might find ideas on p.91 ff) Reading and Presentation Plan date 30/3 chapter and groups Introd. nr of stud. class, groups, vocab, tasks 20/04 p10 1-2 27/04 p16 3 3 p26 4 2 p32 5 2 p40 6 2 p46 7 3 p55 8 1 p60 9 3 04/05 11/05 1 class 18/05 25/5 31/5 students indiv. preparation, computer room test unit 6 ML, including questions chap. 1-9 p73 10 2 p78 11 1 p82 12-13 2 LAP 21/6 Movie Part 1 discussion 28/6 Movie Part 2 discussion Enjoy the book!